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It had been almost a week since Kruno arrived back in Konoha, and the day that she was to meet up with Sasuke again was coming up soon, three days to be exact. She sighed heavily, knowing it would only take two days to get there, so she figured she could stop and visit her friends on the way there.

Currently, the girl was standing in her room, packing a bag for the next couple of days. Her brother was standing beside of her, watching everything that she packed so that he knew she didn't pack anything for longer than the period of time it would take her to get there, and get back.

"Who are you going to see?" Kiba asked for the tenth time, causing Kruno to glare over at him and shake her head slightly.

"For the tenth time, I am going to see my friends." She said, referring to the Akatsuki. She had only told him about seeing them, not Sasuke. If they knew she was going to see Sasuke, she knew they would follow her and force the Uchiha to travel back to Konoha with them for interrogation, and she knew he didn't want that.

"The Akatsuki?" Kiba asked in a hush voice, receiving a nod from his sister. "How are you possibly friends with a bunch of S-Rank criminals?" Kiba said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Because they care about me." She said in a simple tone, placing her bag on her back. "And I care about them. When Sasori was killed by Sakura and Lady Chiyo, I cried for a while. I hadn't mourned a death in a really long time, because I saw death every day. But when I heard that he was dead, I cried. That's how I knew that they really meant something to me." Kruno said softly, and her brother sighed softly and pulled her into a tight hug, kissing the top of her head slightly.

"I love you, Kruno."

"I love you too, Kiba." She said as she nuzzled her nose into her brothers chest. Kiba laughed softly, the vibration in his chest causing the girl against it to giggle slightly before they moved away from each other.

"Promise you're coming back?" He asked, and Kruno stuck her pinky up in the air, smiling a small smile at him. Kiba wrapped his pinky around hers, chuckling lightly.

"I promise." She said honestly, and Kiba nodded. "If you promised I will not be followed. That was in the terms and conditions of me coming home, you know that." She said, and Kiba nodded slightly.

"We know, the Hokage has been informed and she said it was fine, as long as you were back within the time period she gave you, which is a week." He said, and she nodded slightly.

"I should be back before that." Kruno said with a shrug as her and Kiba walked out of her room, Watamote walking beside of them, whimpering slightly at her partner. Once in the living room, Kruno bent down beside of her a friend and ran her fingers through the large dogs white fur.

"I'm actually coming back this time, Watamote. I promise." She said with a small smile, and Watamote whimpered but licked her owners face slightly. Kruno laughed and hugged the dog tightly before she stood up, and turned towards her mother Tsume. Tsume stared at her daughter for a moment, before pulling her into a very tight hug.

"Do you promise you'll come home this time?" She asked, and Kruno nodded.

"I swear." Kruno said as she kissed her mothers cheek and released her from the hug. Kruno's head turned towards the door as a gentle knock was placed against it, her feet carrying her towards the large wooden frame. She opened the door to reveal Shikamaru standing in the doorway, his hands shoved lazily in his pockets, his normal half grin on his face as he looked at Kruno.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, and Kruno nodded slightly, hugging her brother and mother one more time before she walked out of the door with Shikamaru, who wrapped his arm around her shoulders lightly, pulling her against his side. Since she had gotten back, the two had gotten somewhat close again, no where near as close as they were, but it was a start.

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