Midnight Walk

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I guess Tsubaki was right. I am getting tired...jeez. 11:30. Plus remedial lessons tomorrow...ugh I can't sleep. What's Tsubaki doing?

Blackstar glanced up to the left to look at his demon shadow weapon. Her long hair was tied in loops, and her breathing was soft. Blackstar smiled at the sight, remembering the few times he had tried to sneak upvon her while she was in the hot spring. He thought she had looked, not so much attractive for him to get a nosebleed, as she did beautiful. Out of affection for the person he'd been working with so long, he got up and walked over to the edge of her bed.

It took a minute, but Tsubaki did indeed wake up. Light sleeper, Blackstar thlught .

"Blackstar? Why aren't you asleep or even in bed?" Tsubaki implored.
"I'm sorry Tsubaki. I just can't sleep. Can we do something that will make me fall asleep? Pretty please? Then maybe you can get to be a star like me, okay? Let's go---" Blackstar started to explain before Tsubaki interrupted him.

"Blackstar, you know Lord Death and Professor will dissaprove of this. Heck, Maka and Kid will dissaprove of this. Listen, I'm doing this because...." She stopped for a moment or two and blushed a little. " ...because, I have friends. I have some really great friends. Blackstar, a lot of people underestimate you because of the way you are in character. But truthfully, I chose you as my Meister for that exact reason. I have a lot of friends. But only you can have the special hotseat of a best friend, Blackstar."

Blackstar's cheeks grew a little pink after hearing his partner say this, straight to him and sincerely. It was something, like a praise. He didn't get it often.

"Now listen, Blackstar," Tsubaki continued, " though we are going to be out, we can't stay for long, alright?"
Blackstar nodded. "Okay. Now come on! We gotta GO!!!"

The assassin quickly changed clothing, and Tsubaki put on her basketball outfit. Blackstar charged out the door excitedly, leading the way. "So, Tsubaki, where should we go?? What should we do? Ah, who am I kidding! I'm the star here! I decide where we're gonna go!!"
Tsubaki caught up to him fast as she could without stumbling over the ground, and ran by his side. " Blackstar, please, slow down!! And keep it down, will you! You're going to wake up all of Death City if you keep it up like this!"
Suddenly, Blackstar came to a sharp hault, and the gravel under his feet overlapped, as if it were a car making a fast brake and skidding with a shriek. He looked down shadily. "Blackstar?". Tsubaki asked. "Are you okay?"
Blackstar didn't say anything. He just pointed ahead, to what looked like Northeast if there were a compass. His finger aimed toward a place Tsubaki knew. The DWMA. The academy. Tsubaki stared in confusement at her Meister.
"Tsubaki...there's something I want you to see over at the academy. I only went in there once, but I thought you might want to see it."
Tsubaki bent down to meet his level. "Sure Blackstar, we can go there. Wherever you want."
Blackstar looked up and smiled radiantly. "ALLLRRIIGGHHTT! LET'S GO!!!"
Before Tsubaki could say I word about it, Blackstar darted ahead toward the academy. We are going to be in so much trouble for this, Tsubaki thought. However, she still ran, and ran, until finally she caught up with Blackstar.

"So," Tsubaki sighed, out of breath. "What is it that you wanted me to see?"
It was then that Blackstar did something that normally only she did. He took her by the hand, and starytd walking through the halls of the academy. He didn't say anything, he just kept looking forward.
Pretty soon, they had passed the classroom they usually went to for Prof. Stein's teachings, and they'd passed all the main parts of the building, Tsubaki realized. She looked around, Blackstar still pulling her on, not used to so much silence and darkness at the academy. It felt very strange to her, but Blackstar didn't seem to be bothered by it one bit. Once they passed a digital clock. Midnight.

Finally, Blackstar stopped and lowered his hand, but did not let go. They stood behind a glass door. Blackstar pushed I open to reveal a beautiful balcony.
Tsubaki gaped in shock. It was enormous for just a balcony, not like the one at their apartment. There was a table with four shining glasses of water on it, and pretty lights around the point to look out.

"Isn't it awesome?!" Blackstar exclaimed. Tsubaki couldn't find the right words to reply with. How on earth did he ever find this?
Blackstar leaned over the edge and faced the moon. "Ya know, I'm glad the moon is the way it is here. It'd be boring if it was just normal." He sighed, then added, " thanks for coming here with me Tsubaki."
Tsubaki couldnt help but chuckle, and she walked to the edge as well. Blackstar grabbed her hand again, tightly, and looked at her. Tsubaki blushed and looked down at her feet.
Blackstar gave his toothy smile. " I told you you'd go far, Tsubaki. I see now that you have. Come here, remember when I said I was gonna hug you?"
Tsubaki nodded.
"Well," Blackstar echoed. "I'm gonna do that again."
With that, he leaned in and wrapped his arms around his Weapon partner. Tsubaki grazed her chin on his uncommonly blue hair, and did the same. She could feel that his soul was very relaxed now, maybe even more than it'd ever been before. Blackstar let go and confined looking over Death City, the few lightscthat were on and the stars twinkling above.
Tsubaki gave a gentle brush over his star tattoo with her finger, and when Blackstar looked at her confusingly, she smiled. She felt glad that Blackstar woke her up to show her this amazing place. Who knew it was at the endcof the academy. Blackstar grinned, and jumped over the edge, his aim toward a roof not far below. Tsubaki blushed, though she did know why she did. Then she jumped over as well, ready to run again.

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