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It was the one and only Cameron Dallas........

"Oh my god Cameron." I said and hugged him tightly.

"You're a fan"

"No you dork, you don't remember me" I said smiling

"Umm can I have a hint?"

"Third Grade we met became best friends but then you started vines at 12 years old. You got famous and moved to L.A."


"Yep" I said smiling

"What are you doing here?" He asked hugging me

"Vacation but how are the boys?"

"Well I live in a apartment near by with Hayes and Nash" he said

"How's Hayes?" I asked

"Besides the fact that you broke his heart he's fine"

"I'm very sorry but I had to move on he was going to leave me anyways" I said

"Do you wanna go meet up with them they're at the apartment"

"Um yea sure" I said

"Okay come on then" he said

We got to the apartment and Cameron unlocked the door.

"Ladies first" he said smiling

"Wow what a gentleman" I said laughing

When I walked in only Nash was downstairs playing video games.

"Guess who I bumped into" Cameron asked Nash

"A girl" he said confused

"Not just any girl, it's Kalanih"

"Kalanih, my nigga" he said hugging me

I just smiled.

"How have you been" Nash asked me

"I've been okay" I said

"Hayes!" Cameron shouted

"What!" I heard Hayes shout back

"We have company" Nash said

God, I was so nervous to see Hayes again.

"Coming" Hayes replied

He walked downstairs and said "hey I'm Hayes"

"Kalanih" I said smiling and somewhat nervous

"Kalanih?" He asked/said

"Yea" I said hugging him he hugged me back

"I've missed you so much" he said

"Me too Hayes"

"Well we'll leave you kids alone"
Nash said

"Adios" Cameron said and they walked upstairs

We made small talk and exchanged numbers.

"I have to go Hayes" I said

"I'll take you home"

"Okay" I said

He grabbed his car keys and we got in his car.

We were infront of my house and I seen Stephanie and Frankie coming out of my house. Why ?

"Okay bye Hayes" I said hugging him

"Bye Lani" he said smirking.

I got off and Frankie and Stephanie were still at the porch about to leave.

"Hey" I said waving

"Oh my god, was that Hayes" Steph asked

"Yea" I said laughing a little

"Is he you boyfriend" Frankie asked in a serious tone

"Um no but he was back in Arizona but what are you guys doing here? Not trying to be rude just wondering"

"My mom told us to come and invite you guys for a bbq were having tomorrow all our family and Friends are going"

"Okay. Cool thanks" I said smiling

"Okay then bye" Frankie said

"Bye" Stephanie said

"Bye see you tomorrow" I said

I went upstairs to my room and posted the picture I took with Hayes on Instagram.

@23Kalanih: finally reunited with this kiddo @hayesgrier 😊💖😏

Then I got a message from Brendon.

Brendon: first Frankie, now Hayes. What a slut.......

Me: okay yea that's kind of rude and me and Hayes are just friends.

Then Hayes commented on the picture

@hayesgrier: Hope to see you soon again Lani ❤️

Then I got a FaceTime call from one of my friends back at home, her name is Kendall. I'm part of a Competition Dance Team and Kendall and I became best friends there.

I answered it.

Kendall Babe🔥👑💗: hey baby girl

Me: hiiii Kendall I miss you babez!

Kendall Babe🔥👑💖: me too Kalanih. The whole dance team misses you.
Especially me, Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Jojo, and Abby.

( a/n: is anyone else obsessed with dance moms lol )

Me: awe I miss you guys all too.

Kendall Babe🔥👑💗: you seen Hayes again?

Me: yea I also seen Cameron and Nash again.

Kendall Babe 🔥👑💗: gosh I miss those boys

Me: I have to go Kendall, I'm going to bed. Can I call you tomorrow

Kendall Babe🔥👑💗: yea call me whenever you want. Goodnight

Me: goodnight

I took a shower and went to bed, today was a amazing day.

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