My Heart's Feelings Flashback Finale {私の心の気持ち} {フラッシュバック・フィナーレ}

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-Ayami's POV-
{3 years ago}
As soon as I started walking towards Jay and Jaxon, Chanyeol grabbed my arm, stopping me.
Turning around, Chanyeol carried a worried look on his face.
"Um... Ayami. I don't feel well. Can we go back to your place please?"
Although I knew he was lying I agreed to it and we walked away. Even though I didn't see Jaxon's expression, I could tell he was disappointed.

-Jay's POV-
As they turn and walk away I let out a relieved sigh.
Although, I could tell Jaxon was disappointed that Ayami chose Chanyeol over him.
But when I turned around to talk to him, his phone buzzed.
As we look down the caller screen name distinctly showed the name "MOM."
When Jaxon put his phone next to his ear and said "Hello?" A voice started to talk very fast.
"Mom, mom slow down" Jaxon said calmly.
After the voice stopped, apologized and repeated the sentence, Jaxon's eyes got stuck in shock when he heard what his mom said. His hand shaking, he said goodbye and hung up.
"Jaxon what's wrong?" I ask cautiously.
"I-I'm moving away in 3 days..."

-Ayami's POV-
As we arrived back to the bakery, we entered and to our suprise, it was closed.
Chanyeol took my arm and my expression changed from happy to surprised.
"C-chanyeol?" I asked surprised.
His eyes drooped and he fell onto me.
"Chanyeol what's wrong?!"
He responded with snores.
Letting out a relieved sigh that he was fine and just sleeping, I carry him up to my room and lay him on my bed.
Heading downstairs towards the kitchen I started to cook.

-Chanyeol's POV-
Opening my eyes, I find myself in Ayami's room.
The memory of collapsing on Ayami comes back and my face turns red.
Suddenly, the door knob turned and the door silently opened and I pretended to be asleep. Ayami walked in, placed a tea cup on the bedside table and sat on the bed. Before I knew it I took her into an embrace.
"C-chanyeol? What's wrong?" She asked worriedly. Pulling herself away, she checked my temperature.
"Oh, Chanyeol, you have a fever."
"I do? Sorry..."
"Why are you apologizing?"
"Because we were supposed to go out together since I came to visit. I didn't come to make you constantly worried about me."
Ayami shook her head.
"It's fine Chanyeol. Drink some tea, I'll go downstairs so you can rest." She came close to my forehead and kissed it.
It was such a pain to my heart because I knew it didnt mean anything. We always did that as kids. I wish she would come to her senses and realize she belongs with me. Not that Jaxon guy...

-Jay's POV-
"What do you mean?" I ask, hoping what he said didnt match what I thought it meant.
"My family is broke and we only have enough money to catch a bus to Alberta and live with my auntie." Jaxon replied.
I would of hugged Jaxon and yell "Whhhhhhhyyyyyy?!" But that would make us look gay.
"Are you going to tell Ayami?" I asked.
"Probably not." He replied.
Although my facial expression remained calm, inside I was shocked. He loved Ayami even though she looks like his first love Akane. Shallow reason to like someone, tell me about it. But it turns out he really loves Ayami, so I'm pretty suprised and shocked that he wants to disappear just like that.
"It's for the best." He suddenly said as if he were reading my thoughts.
"Chanyeol obviously likes her. I respect that. I don't even know how long I'll be in Alberta. Probably for a really long time."
"Well, don't you think she deserves the truth? Even though you may not see her for a long time, it isn't fair to her if you just disappear like that."
Jaxon let out a long sigh and got up.
"I'm going to miss you." is all he said as he packed up and walked away.

-Ayami's POV-
As I walk up the hill with a bunch of groceries, I noticed to the left Jaxon was leaning against a stone wall talking on the phone.
He didn't seem to notice me as well as he didn't notice how loud he was talking.
"But mom, 3 days is such a short time. I understand it won't take us long to pack since we don't have a lot of things but why can't I just stay here and live myself? I understand we're family but I'm in grade 8. I should be able to handle myself."
After pausing himself, the words finally register in my mind.
"He's moving away?" I thought to myself.
Without asking him in person, I ran home.

Entering the bakery, Chanyeol sat at one of the tables sipping tea.
In my mind, I wanted to strangle him because of how calm he looks. Another half of me wanted to flip 1,000,000 tables. However, Chanyeol is my friend so I can't strangle him and frankly, I don't have the strength to flip even a single table.
So instead, I just said "glad you feel better." and headed into the kitchen.
Chanyeol walked in with a worried expression.
"Aya, is everything alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine. You should be worrying about yourself. Go rest, I'm going to see if Emi can come over."
Even though I knew that Chanyeol could detect I was lying, he let me go anyway.
Staring down at the marble counter, I then pick up my phone and call Emi.
After it rang 3 times, she picked up.

"Hello?" She said.
"Hey Emi, please tell me you aren't busy right now."
"I'm not. Why?"
"Can you come over? I have a crisis."
"Isn't Chanyeol visiting?"
"He's sick..."
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, I'll be right there."

She hung up and I continue to stare at the counter wondering why fate is so cruel to me.
After 10 minutes of spacing out, Emi entered the bakery and gave me a slight punch pulling me out of a daze.
"What's wrong?" She asked
I let out a sigh before explaining that he was moving away but didn't tell me and I saw and heard him when he was talking on the phone on the side of the road. As well as that I didn't have a single idea on what to do.

"Okay, first, you like him right?"
She asked me.
"Of course." I responded.
"Then tell him how you feel. Do something special for him to remember you by." After I gave a nod she continued on. "I know Jay is his best friend. You should ask him about Jaxon."
An idea then flashed in my mind.
"Hey! I should make his favourite desert! Since I'm good at cooking. And record a violin song for him." I proposed.
Emi gave me a smile and a thumbs up.
"Well, thanks to ME, YOU found a solution. From now on, call me the 'Love Whisperer'"
"Yeah, no. Wait, how am I supposed to find Jay?"
"He's still at the beach."
"Oh well I'm going to ride my bike there and ask him. Can you stay here and just see if Chanyeol wakes up?"

I ran out, unlocked my bike from the stand and rode as fast as I could to the beach hoping he's still there.
Arriving at the beach 3 minutes later, Jay was sitting by the beach side on a blanket. I called his name and he looked suprised to see me. Running up to him, he stands up and waits.

"What is it Ayami?" He asks worried.
"It's about Jaxon" I replied as his eyes widened.
"First, I know he is moving away"
"D-did he tell you?"
"He was talking too loudly on the sidewalk and I heard him."
"Oh. So, what's your question?"
"Do you know his favourite dessert?"
Jay looked extremely suprised
I nodded "yeah"
"Let me think." He started to make his thinking face which was basically him pretending to caress an imaginary beard.
"Oh!" He exclaimed "I remember... bring your ear closer I'll whisper it."
I bring my ear close up as he whispers it.
"Really?" I say shocked.
He nodded.
I said my thanks and rode my bike back to the bakery.

-Jaxon's POV-
(3 days later)
Walking down the street past 'Le Pastries' I look inside to see it's empty.
The 'SORRY WE'RE CLOSED" sign was put on the door.
I feel my heart breaking since I won 't be able to see Ayami one last time.
As I reach the park where I first met Ayami, I look around  and see cherry blossom petals falling onto the water.
I smile at this scene as I closed my eyes and try to re-live the day Ayami and I met. When I opened my eyes again, I see Ayami standing in front of me with a box and a smile on her face.
"A-Ayami?" I asked.
"This, is for you." She handed me a box.
When I opened it, to my suprise, inside contained a 'mille-feulle.'
"This is a mille-feulle!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, Jay told me this is your favourite dessert."
A smile crept across my face.
"In this case, 'mille' means the THOUSAND feelings I have for you. I may not have known you for long but I feel like I have known you for my entire life. I'm sure about the feelings I have for you."
She handed me a cd. Drew on it, was a violin with the cherry blossoms as the background.
"On this CD, me and Emi recorded the songs I played when you were watching me."
I feel a tear form and drop from my cheek.
Without thinking, I pulled her in an embrace.
"Ayami... I love you"
"I love you..." She said back.
Pulling her away, I take her chin and give her a long kiss.
When I looked down at her I saw that she was crying.
"I will come back for you one day Ayami. I swear."
She wiped away her tear and managed a smile.
"I'll wait for you. I promise."

-Ayami's POV-
As he walked away, the cherry blossom petals surround me. As the last one dropped on the ground, Jaxon was out of site. My heart's feelings will never change for him, because I love him.

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