Chapter 2

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Jaden's P.O.V

"I'm home!" I yell as I step into my house, I'm instantly hit by the aroma of freshly baked cookies. I quickly sprint into the kitchen and grab a cookie off the tray. "Ahh! Fude, ow!" I yell as my mum giggles.

"Aw Jay, you should know better than to grab it coming straight out of the oven." and she pats my head. Do I look like a dog? "No honey, you don't." she says as she places the cookies on a cooling rack.

"Wait, what? Did I say that out loud?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yes honey." She chuckles, "Oh, I almost forgot! Your cousin Hunter called, he wants to meet up with you tomorrow if you have time so go ring him. Now." She says with a stern look.

"Geez mam, don't glare too much mum, your eyes might pop out." I joke, only to be responded with her amused stare as she pushes me out of the kitchen.

I head up the stairs as I ring Hunter who quickly answers.

"Hey man! I was wondering when you'd call." he laughs.

"Ah, my dearest cousin who was named after a job, what would you like from your best cousin ever?" I say sarcastically as I start to doodle on a sketch pad, not really expecting anything important to be said.

"Well, it's what you need from me. I've got you a job!"

"Wait, what?" I ask, I mean, did I just hear what I think I did?

"I, Hunter, your cousin, you know- the really good looking one-"

"Yada yada yada, what?"

"Yeah. I've got you a job." he laughs like it's no big deal! "By the way, you start this Monday." Did he just? Wait, hold on now, you can't just spring something like that on someone, JESUS CHRIST.

"I'm thankful and all but you nearly gave me a heart attack you dufus! Besides, I already have a job at a restaurant." I say confused.

"Yeah, I know but working there won't pay to get your degrees and things but this job will!" he's actually quite good at persuading.

"But will I even be good at this job? What will I even be doing?" ugh, I was caving in, all I could picture was Hunter giving me puppy dog eyes. Damn it.

"Yeah! Of course you will! Oh and urm... you'll be a secretary for Damien Carter." and with that he hung up, leaving me gobsmacked!

Oh no, no, no! He knows how I feel about being around people like him! I get all nervous and I panic and forget things such as how to even talk! How will I make a good secretary?!

I remember it all like it happened yesterday.

I remember walking into a house with Hunter by my side as he dragged me into a house filled with people making out and dry humping each other. My poor eyes!

Anyway, I met some of Hunter's friends who were really nice but after a while when we were chilling in the lounge, I saw a figure sitting opposite me.

I curiously looked up and that was then that I saw the most handsome man I had ever come across in my life. Hunter greeted him and I knew who this man was- Damien Carter.

I remember how his shirt was loose but tight so that all his muscles were outlined but not to much. He was literally a walking tease! What stood out to me the most was his eyes, dear god they are PERFECTION! I swear that it must be illegal to have such eyes!

Of course he didn't even spare me glance but yet, for some strange reason, I was hoping that he would? I don't know, I just felt like I needed something from him which confused me to the least.

Throughout the night , I was more or less ignored, they had even left me at one point! I then decided to go fetch a drink to just keep me occupied while I wait for Hunter to decide to leave.

As I was walking back, I bumped into a person and guess what happened next? That's right, the drink went all over the person's body.

I quickly squeaked out an apology as I look up to the person and I instantly regret it.

It was the Damien Carter. His face was all kinds of red and you could see he was about to blow but luckily I hear my darling cousin. Pease note the sarcasm. I was so mad that he brought me hear actually thinking I could fit in.

"Jay? You ready to go?" he asks before noticing Damien. "Oh hey ma-woah! what happened to you?" he laughs and all I can think is that I would love if the earth just made a whole right where I was standing and swallowed me up whole.

"Him." Damien says while pointing at me, Hunter just laughs harder and you can start to see the tears making it's way down to his face.

"Jay did this? Man, you look like you've had an accident." he says as he starts to sober up.

"Just get him out of my sight." is all Damien says before he storms off. Normally I would fight my ground with someone acting like this but for some reason, I felt like I  was in the wrong and that was stupid,  I mean, I did apologise and it wasn't like I wanted to spill my drink on him.

I quickly follow Hunter as he mutters something about Damien.


Since that day, I've never really been fond of Damien Carter. Yes, he could have just been having a bad day but I just didn't like the feelings that I got from just being around him! wasn't going to put myself through crushing on someone who was one, out of my league and two, straight. I literally have no chance.

Yet knowing this, here I am, walking into a café that Hunter had texted me to meet him in last night. I quickly enter and I immediately see him with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Finally! I was beginning to think that you ditched me." he laughs while I sit across him.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I got caught up in the restaurant."

"Well, now you have a new job!"

"" I start, "I've studied art and design hunter, not how to be Damien Carter's secretary! The guy hates me! I'm sorry Hunter but I won't be able to do it." I say apologetically.

"Jay, I know you and I know that you can do this! just think how much working for him can benefit you! You could work along world wide known designers! Damien doesn't hate you, he can just come off a bit... hard headed sometimes? But please Jay, Damien needs an organised secretary, one that will actually work for him. Please?" oh no, hear comes the puppy dog eyes. Look away, look away, don't you dare look Jay or-

Damn it, I looked. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine." I say, a little shocked myself.

"Hey, you'll enjoy it. Think of it as experience! And I know you will definitely like it there, everyone is remotely nice and you so have the hots for Damien so you wont be bored if you finish your work early." he teases with a smug smile.

"N-no I d-d-on't. Pfft." did I literally just say that? *mental face palm*

Thankfully, Hunter lets the subject go while I have one thought running through my mind.

What have I signed up to?


Okay so this chapter is much longer than the last, I hope you enjoy reading this and please leave a comment on your thoughts on the book? I'd love to hear from you guys! :)

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