Chapter 9

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Mia's POV -

Finn sat behind me and held my waist, tight and blabbered on about something as we sat on the day-bed near the window. I stared into my mug; the coffee was dark and smooth.

"So I said no, obviously you have a better sense of fashion than me in that oversized, yellow, metallic suit and he thought it was a compliment," Finn burst out laughing; his eyes crinkled, his dimples popped and smile lines covered his whole face. He looked back at me and toned his laugh down. "Come on, that was funny." 

I smiled at him. I would've fake laughed with him before if I even knew that was a joke, but let's face it, I'm so bad at faking things. He's so boring. He is so damn boring.

"Hey, are you even happy to see me?" He leaned forward and rested his chin in my right shoulder and looked at me. "What's up, babe?"

"Nothing, I'd rather just listen to you talk, I haven't heard your voice in ages," I forcefully smiled at him and kissed his forehead. He scrunched his nose and grinned at me.

"Well, obviously, come on, have you heard my voice? I got told that I sound like a Greek god, if that's even a thing. Mia, I'm so proud of myself of living in America for so long and not developing an American accent, like wow it's -" 

I want to go and see West; how do I go and see West? What the hell is wrong with me? Listen to your boyfriend talking about how amazing it is to be a British socialite. Stop zoning out.

"And then she was like 'isn't it so hard to have an American girlfriend, how do you deal with that awful accent' and I said, 'I'm not sure, I just love her too much,'" and once again he exploded in laughter. Hilarious. I breathed out a laugh, just because. "Man, I missed you."

I put my coffee to the side, turned around to face him and sat between his legs. He weaved his fingers into mine and rested his head on my forehead. He's so gorgeous and sweet, why am I suddenly so disinterested in him? 

"Mia, I know I haven't seen you in ages and we haven't got time to connect again and I could feel us drifting apart so I felt like we need to do something special together, so, " he breathed and then carried on, "I got us tickets to go to England." He stared at me with twinkly eyes; I stared back at him with pursed lips and wide eyes. "We could go on tours and do some really fun things and considering we've been together for almost four years, you could meet my parents too."

"Urm, Finn," I paused to think and shifted my eyes around the room. I mean, what's the point in saying no, I'm not losing anything. I'm just going to meet my boyfriend's parents and it's going to be fun. It's just a holiday with my boyfriend. I scrunched my nose and shrugged. "I'd love to go."

"Great, you don't need to pack an awful lot, we're going the day after tomorrow at 11pm," he pulled away from me and stood up. He started walking away slowly then turned around. "Oh my god, I can't wait." He shuffled back to me, grabbed my back, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. His hands were warm as he held my legs; they were warm unlike West's.

A.N - Hey guys, so I introduced a new character. Do you guys like him so far? He's casted by either Alex Pettyfer or Douglas Booth, haven't decided yet. So many plot twists are coming, guys. Hope you are enjoying reading this, thank you - Maria xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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