Chapter 1

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 It was a sunny day it was inside a house were five amazing friends sat next to  a fire place.  As one sang the others played such instruments!  One with a guitar another with piano!  They all headed to one direction.  They all wanted to become big in life.  Suddenly one stop and notice that they were missing a boy in the band!They turn and spot!  Him HARRY!  Yes Harry he was running away from a mob of girls!  One girl shout:HARRYYYYY!!!!II LUUVVE  UUU!Another called the poparazzi.This happened to quickly,when all of the sudden a UFO from the sky came down to the earth and took The band by name of ONE DIRECTION.  The girls were shouting,yelling,hollering,kicking.OH but the were furious they did not like the sound of ONE DIRECTION  being taken away from earth.  As the news reporters interviewed a couple of girls one of them walked away but she was not asked any question niether did she appeared in T.V.

         Her name was Sofia and she was known as the most beautiful girl in the "world".

          She knew exactly what had happened to the boy band so she hurried up to rescue she said to herself ,"if none else goes and saves them I have no option then to go and save them it is the only way to stop the panicing of my fellow friends".  She did not think about love in the time she did not think about getting an autograph she thought about bringing them home save and sound.  She ran as fast as she could she was very skinny but you could notice she was gaining weight,she loved to run so running for her it was nothing to her but yet she was scared.....of the aliens.  She went back to the place were the aliens had taken them she check everywhere for any clues.  Then she notice that they had not left earth.  No they still were here in the old barn near hay.  She saw that,even though the ship was parcial invisible she could see lights bimming out at her she ignored it and walked closer to the UFO.  Suddenly she spot a large white area she open the excape button the white circular spot opened and  hoped inside.  She was scared her breath would tell you she was shaking but she got up straight and said to herself;"Never in life have a seen somthing so scary so horrifing,but I volunteer to help this young boys,the word scared wouldn't explain of what I'm feeling right now no only the sound of aliens crying would tell you,But yet I will be strong to save my dear Friends".

    "tgwkutakga kukanati lamputani uh aj", said a commander.  Sofia hid behind a crystal like material,it stunk but she ignored it.  She could sense something has gone wrong.

  Sofia walked closer,but being very careful not be seen.  One of the aliens threw a green like material but she tried to ignored the material but it was so irrasitable so hold her breath so she would not smell the horrible smell.  She bent down and vomit the smell was horrible.  The aliens sense something wrong but ignored it.

     There was a room that was full of left over meat,there were no organisms only meat all the animals were there left with their bones.  The smell was disgusting and horrible she couldnt stand it.  Out of no where came someone from the dark spot.He was blond he looked at her terrified and said what are you doing here.She replied I came to save you guys,are you alright. He replied,yes I am need to leave its is not save here. 





The story of the TAKEN boys.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora