Chapter 2

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She looked at him as said,No I want to help!  He looked at her and said ok..but stay with me! She looked at him with shy eyes. They both walked queitly and then came to a door like open area,both of them listen to what was going on.  Utahala muhalui ay sheli!!,said a commander.Sofia let go of the guy's hand,his name was Niall.Before he reach the door He had revealed his name so did she to him.

      NIall P.O.V.

      I cannot believe this she acually sacrificed her life to rescue us what a wonderful lad!

 At this piont I am hiding in a near by room that has weird brain collections,It took me some time to realize that there were Five contaners emtpy.I walk slowly to become more close to see why they seem empty.I reach the area and I see ZAYN<>:: and LOUIS<>:: and HARRY<>:: LIAM<>:: and then i saw my name NAILL<>:: which was spell wrong for some reason.I start to sweat well it was queit hot and not enough oxygen in the ship.I feel the ship start to shake and to move.We must have already start flight.What ever it was there is no coming back to earth.I turn around still having dificulty standing.I hide behind the door and I hear A group of something coming  my way.

  POM POM POM POM! HI shela CUTY NA!!,someone called out.I lean a little to see what was all the niose.I see blood and sweat and tears in my best friends more than just friends,I see my brothers! HA SHE ni tuta moo uga!,The commander  questioned Harry.

Harry spoke,"I do not know what you are saying,And if you ask where Niall is he must still be in London. "LONDON eeeeehs RAT RAT!,The commander shout.

An alien from the crowd that stood behind them Came with some sort of whip.It hit the boys 5 times.I could not help this I needed to go and help them They are suffering because I escaped from them.I must go out and save them.All of the sudden HEr Sofia YELL."Stop THIS NOW!!,She said. The comander said ''LADY''. like if he to knew how to speak our language. A bunch of aleins came running out to kill her but she was really quick almost as if she had super powers."AHH ",She shout.She kicked one of them with her foot while she punch another with her fist.She finish with all of the aleins that had came after her.Then she came closer to the commander.Her face was so beautiful she looked so fearless. "REALISE them Now",She shouted."You cannot make me do this ucah",The commander spoke.He had a very strong accent almost hard to understand what he is trying to say."Then you leave me no chioce then to finish you".She said.Still  in shouting mode.She had a sword.Before we both went our ways she was different,she was shy and neither did she have a sword with her.I became curious I had to find out how this had dramatically change so quick?

  Sofia P.O.V.

   I feel so shaking but I am not letting  that coming to me.I know maybe taking the blue formal wasn't a good idea.Before I found the boys and the commander.I saw a room full of different drinks.But each one had something special written in the bottle,in Russian.I spoke and read a little Russian.The blue bottle said:

:::::>besstrashnyy polnomochiy::::::< whicht ment fearless powers.I felt great but I am not shy anymore the bottle never said thid would happen.But once I took it I felt nausuos and fell to the ground.After a couple minutes I got up with s unique suit and a sword,my hair was long and looked like a brunetts hair,It had an queen shape crown in the side of my new hair.I felt akward.Then I got up to go seek afer the boys.Thats when I tried to open the door,and broke it because my new powers were so strong everything I touch is broken to pieces.I had to knock the door down 





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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