Coach - Scott

194 7 0

Scott: I'm having some personal issues.

Coach: Is it a girl?

Scott: No.

Coach: Is it a guy? You know, our goalie Danny is gay.

Scott: Yeah, I know, coach, but that's not about it.

Coach: You don't think Danny's a. . . Good-lookin' guy?

Scott: I. . .think he's good-looking. I--but I--I like girls. And that's not it anyway! I-I--

Coach: What, is it drugs? Are you doing meth? Because I had a brother that was addicted to meth. You should have seen what it did to his teeth-- they were all cracked and rotted. It was-- it was disgusting.

Scott: My. . .god. What happened to him?

Coach: He got veneers.


A conversation with coach is my kind of dream.

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