Snowing Stars

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As I stood there shocked at the spectacle of this miraculous moment, it sunk in that I was watching the stars fall like snow. Not knowing what to do I was paralysed, I couldn't know what to think. Had the world stopped, yet the stars not, is this the end. Suddenly a crash of a burning inferno is enough to break me from my paralysis , I start to run as a hail of burning suns collide with the now still earth. Where could I possible go to avoid this?.

Making the mistake to go watch what I thought to be a beautiful event.I'm now having to track back from the empty field I watched from. Each step feeling like my last I eventually make it to the fields gate. But in the flurry of my fear and confusion, this simple task became complex. Simple hand to eye coordination was more than a distant thought, as all but the present threat overwhelms my mind. Once overcoming this task I find traction in the adjoining path, through the arched branches I make for my escape.

As I hear the stars land around me, It creates nothing but adrenaline. My legs seem to carry me further through the tunnel of wood and leaves. I start to see light, yet this light is settled other then the fearful flickers of these falling stars. Hoping for shelter or help my rushing legs carry me towards it, As I get closer this wooden tunnel starts to feel more like a cave as the surrounding stress started to close in. Fearful of a dead end my body continues to carry me, breaking through the tunnel's end.

I emerge to see a lonely cottage standing oblivious to the destruction that had just ensued. For one reason or another this lonely house's lights stayed on for the nights duration. whether the owner's expecting someone or merely waiting for the return of an individual was unclear. But as I made my way round the cobbled wall I forgot for a moment my purpose of disturbing this home.But then as I edged nearer the gate a distant sound of a crackle filled the air. Step by step the noise increased with its igniting shower.

Reaching for the door with a sense of urgency weighing on my shoulders. "Ding Dong!" the rush has been shifted, I wait. Crash,Burn,Crackle The faint click of a hallway light is all I hear as I wait for this stranger, after I have so rudely awoken them from their sleep.Crash,Burn,Crackle the rattle of a used door handle as they get to the door, I am afraid that its too late but still I must say goodbye, goodbye to anyone, to anything before it all goes.Crash,Burn,Crackle the door slowly creaks open as a elderly man pokes his head out to see a tearful statue of fear. Through the weeping figure a small and weak "Goodbye. Sorry." falls out.


The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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