Chapter 6- Suspicions and Missions

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Disclaimer: I don't own Lab Rats or any quotes that might show up in this chapter.
As I was walking away, I heard Chase let out a breath. I knew that the whole job application thing was a lie. Chase would never do something like that. He might do it to Adam or Leo, but never to someone he doesn't know. I only let him get away with it because we have to be in the training room in five minutes, and I don't want to risk Spike coming out.

The only thing I couldn't figure out was; why was Chase so weird about that letter? That letter could be many things, but I had no idea what. Chase doesn't usually hide stuff from us, especially me, so why was he hiding it now? I have a feeling it's something big and Chase doesn't know how to tell us. That or he just didn't find it that important and chucked it into the trash. I highly doubt the second one though.

When Chase came up to the training room, he looked kind of nervous. I'm guessing it was because he was scared I was going to question him about it again. But it could be something else.

All durning training Chase wasn't acting like himself. He seemed.....sad almost. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but the way his posture was was definitely throwing me off. Chase usually stood up straight with wonderful posture because he says it's bad for your spine to slouch. But today, he was slouching. Another thing I noticed was his face. He didn't smile once at anything. Even when one of the students threw Leo into a pile of trash. It was actually really funny.

I decided to follow Chase into the training room, to see how he would act when no ones around. He walked over to the leather couch and plopped onto it. Maybe he was just tired? I don't know. I decided that hiding behind a wall wasn't going to help anything, so I went over and sat next to Chase on the couch.

"Hey Chase."

"Hi Bree." His voice sounded strained, but I just brushed it off deciding that he was tired again.

I was about to ask him what's wrong, when of course we got a mission alert. Just great.

"Bree! Go get Adam and Leo and tell them there's a mission alert! I'll gather all the gear!" Chase commanded me. I nodded.  That right there was mission leader Chase, not teenage Chase. In all honesty, I think everyone liked teenage Chase better.

I found Adam and Leo in the cafeteria scarfing down the rest of the pancakes from this morning. I rolled my eyes. These two.

"Adam! Leo! Come on there's a mission alert!" I told my two idiot brothers.

"What!? Let's go!" Leo said with pancakes still shoved in his mouth. I rolled my eyes, grabbed them, and super speeded back to the living quarters. When we got there Chase was already in his mission suit and had all the gear ready.

Adam and I climbed into our capsules, while Leo rushed to the bathroom to change. Adam and I were ready in 5 seconds, Leo was a different story.

"Come on! I'll explain the mission on the hydraloop!" Chase told us. At that point Leo was ready and all set. We all rushed to the hydraloop, grabbed a seat and sat down. Leo and Adam were sitting together and then it was Chase and I. Not really a surprise.

"Okay what's the mission?" Adam asked.

"There's a building that caught on fire from a gas leakage, and the fire department can't handle it because it's to dangerous. Adam and Leo, your going to get as many people as you can out of there. Bree, your going to create a vacuum so the fire can go out. I'll find a way to stop the leakage. Bree once your done with stopping the fire, help Adam and Leo get people out. Got it?"

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