Chapter 1

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When Joseph's father bounced him on his lap, it was more exciting that it was worth; he felt terribly alone when his father was not himself. With his mother not being around anymore, it made it even harder for him to stay optimistic. The only thing he had to keep him company was the safe haven of his room. The colouring pencils and paper, that lay sprawled across his bed, helped too. The pictures he had drawn and hung on his wall watched over him, protecting him from further harm and the suffocation of loneliness - each drawing had a special role to play that helped him feel safe.

The black trousers that he sat upon were completely clear of any dust and dirt. Even while he jumped and landed on them, their ironed appearance never faded away. He had grey trousers. They were made with the finest quality fabric his father, Gregory Tailor, could afford - which was a lot. He looked at the slender hands of his father as they approached to tickle him under his arms and on the crook of his neck. He could not figure out why his father had kept the ring that symbolized the betrothal of him and his mother. It must have meant something to him more than it did for Joseph, because ever since the shop had been bombed during one of the last blitzes a few years ago he had never been the same. It must have affected him more than being in the war did, or so Joseph thought. He pulled his arms towards his body as his father tickled his sides. He hoped that this would continue until his bedtime, but his father had to cut it short for he had other plans prepared.

The dark mahogany grandfather clock struck five and Gregory held his son still. He turned to him with regretful eyes and ruffled his blonde hair. "I'm sorry Joseph, but I have plans tonight. I'll be back later though." He lifted him off his knee and stood up, taking his jacket that lay across the flowery armchair and brushing it down.

Joseph stood and looked up with sad eyes, although it never worked he always tried this technique until it one day did. "But dad, you promised to spend more time with me today." He glanced at the clock before looking back up at his towering father. "You promised two hours, it's only been one hour and... a half."

Gregory finished pulling on his jacket and began straightening the collar, "I know my boy, but I need to do this – it's something I have to do from now on."

He stepped away but Joseph stepped in front of him. "But-but dad, please - stay with me just a little longer."

Gregory started getting a little agitated and moved his son aside, brushing the shoulders of his son's blue jumper when he finished. "Please, Joseph, this is important. Stay inside the house, I shouldn't be too long. I promise."

"But you promised to spend more time with me."

"And I did, didn't I" He snapped, "I spent an hour with you yesterday and an hour and a half today." He began walking away while taking his black Stetson from an end table beside the clock.

Joseph was not going to give up, so he grabbed his father's trouser leg and pulled back. "Stay a bit longer, just this once, please!"

"Joseph!" Gregory cried, snatching his son's hand from his leg and pulling him closer. "Listen to me, young man; I need to go somewhere, it is extremely important for me and for you. I know you hate being on your own, and I understand that I haven't been around for you as much as you need it, but this will help us both" Joseph stared into his father's eyes with fear, tears stung within his eyes but he blinked and held them back.

"Now, I'm going to go. Be a good boy and stay inside the house. Don't do anything stupid and-" He straightened up, placed his hat on top of his thinning, blonde hair and raised his palm. "Be my special soldier, Joseph. Be strong – for me and for your mother – you know she believed in you, so prove it to her." He saluted and turned away, leaving the lounge and exiting the front door.

Joseph stood alone. The cold air of the afternoon chilled his spine and the grandfather clock began its long, slow decent down the mountain of time, waving goodbye to him as the afternoon gradually turned into the eerie evening.


*!*Dedicated to XDarkXEnergy for being a great friend, and for being there for me through my tough times*!*

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