Chapter 5

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It was another dull morning for Joseph - sitting at the round table in the kitchen, across from his father, in silence. It had been a few days since the birds had been singing, but after that, he had heard no more sounds. Nevertheless, however distraught he was, he was surprised to see that the yellow hills had sprouted small specks of colour: purple, blue, green, pink, and orange. He was confused and had thought he must have added something before he went to bed, so he had not remembered doing anything like that. He let it slide, adding a forest of blue-leaved trees, and drawing a purple sea on another page.

He sat with a bowl of cereal in front of him but did not eat anything. "Joseph, eat something", ordered Gregory with a sharp tone. He was in his usual clothes - a dull, dark suit - and held a newspaper in front of him; it was high enough so he did not have to make eye contact with Joseph, but low enough so he could watch what he was doing.

This is what happened every morning. He missed the morning greeting he used to get from his mother that he did not get from his father - a kiss on his forehead to wake him up, a nice big cooked breakfast that filled his up for the morning, and his smiling father. He scooped up a spoon of his cereal, stared at it for a moment, then tilted the spoon and poured the contents back into the bowl. It made a sloppy sound that made Gregory peer over the newspaper, watching over Joseph, "Why? I don't have any school to go to or any friends to play with, so why are you so..." Joseph paused, scowling at his inability to think of the right word.

"Persistent?" Gregory asked, sharply. "Joseph, I'm being persistent because you can't always sulk and refuse to do...everything." He explained, then threw the newspaper on the table and rubbed his eyes. Joseph noticed a deep pressure mark around his father's right wrist, but he did not say anything. "Anyway," Gregory continued, "we're going out today, so I don't want you to complain about being hungry while on our journey."

Joseph's eyes lit up. "Journey - where are we going?" He scooped a spoonful of cereal into his open mouth and swallowed without crunching, he then continued to do this another three times.

Gregory stood up and stopped Joseph from swallowing another spoonful of cereal, "Joseph, don't eat too fast, you'll make yourself sick." Joseph stopped, lowering the spoon slowly and cautiously, still smiling. "We're going somewhere special. It has only just opened and I have booked tickets especially for us. You're going to like it."

Joseph ate more spoonfuls of cereal, however crunching the food this time. He began bouncing in his seat in his excitement while he finished the last scoops of food. "So where are we going?" He asked again while taking his bowl to the sink next to them.

Gregory was about to answer the question when he heard tiny footsteps behind him; he looked around and saw Echo striding into the kitchen. "Well, where we're going has some relation to your little friend over here".

"Cats...?" Joseph questioned, quite confused.

"Yes, and more" Gregory smiled, holding his son close as he stood next to him.

Gregory turned and walked away, but as he got to the kitchen entrance Joseph stopped him. " it like...a circus?" He asked.

"Not exactly," Gregory began. "I've heard it's more art gallery, but with animals instead" he explained.

Joseph thought for a moment, imagining what an animal art gallery would look like. "Oh. Sounds...good" he stopped thinking and chased after his father again. "Could I take my notebook? I want to draw the animals." The look on Gregory's face did not show eagerness to the question, and as he continued to leave the room, Joseph could feel the disappointment begin to brew inside of him. He followed his dad outside of the kitchen and at the bottom of the staircase. "Dad, please! Let me take my notebook!" He begged, skidding on the blue mat as he flung himself on the bottom banister.

Gregory turned around as he reached the fourth step from the bottom, showing Joseph a face of pure disgust. "Joseph, I chose to bring you to this animal gallery so we could spend some time together - that's what you wanted, wasn't it?" Joseph felt the guilt flood his chest at the question.

"I know, dad, but-"

"No, Joseph!" He roared, stepping down onto the third step in anger. "No buts! I have had my businesses changed, my emotions played with, and your complaints have shattered me because of the lack of affection I've given you, yet the moment I offer to spend the whole day with you, you wish to spend it with your head hung down, scribbling on some stupid paper with those stupid wooden sticks of yours!"

"They're pencils, dad. They're called pencils."

Gregory took another step down. "I don't care what they are!" He yelled, causing Joseph to take a step backwards. "You are such an ungrateful little...little..."

Gregory stopped and looked up to the ceiling, letting out a deep sigh of frustration, mixed with regret. He replaced the third step up and rubbed his face, "Joseph, I'm sorry. Why don't you take two pieces of paper with you from the notebook; I'll let you do that."

Joseph nodded, fear plastered across his face. "Yes, dad...I-I'm sorry, too." He apologized.

Gregory nodded. "I just need to get a few things before we go. Why don't you get yourself cleaned then we'll be set." He slowly turned away and lightly stepped up the stairs; he looked through the corner of his eyes at Joseph walking into the kitchen. He loved his son - it may not have looked like it, but he did. He looked to the top of the staircase and continued on, silently.


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