You're beautiful

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We drove for about half an hour in silence. I was still shaken from my flashback, if in fact that is what it was, and was thinking it over in my head. What happened that night? Why couldn't I remember such a simple memory? Who was the strange figure in my flashback? And why did I not remember him? As I mulled this over in my mind, Daniel put on a CD. 'Hero of war' by Rise Against, played softly. I vaguely heard the words, echoing in the back of my mind.

''What sorta music do ya like?" Daniel's voice, broke my thoughts

''Mmm,'' I said, distractedly, turning to look at him

''What sorta music do ya listen too?" Daniel repeated

''Umm...well...I like One Republic, Sex Pistols, Nirvana, Rise Against, Paramore, My Chemical Romance, Rancid...anything really but I like a lot of seventies punk,'' I said ''But I also like The Script, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift and some other stuff like that,''

''God...quite a selection then,'' Daniel said, obviously taken back by my taste in music

''What about you?" I asked him

''Well... obviously Rise Against actually I was very shocked when you said Rise Against 'cause hardly anyone listens to them,'' He said, taking his eyes of the road for a second

''Yeah...not a lot of people have heard of them which is a shame 'cause they're such a brilliant band and there lyrics have meaning, unlike a lot of music now,'' I said. Before I knew what was happening we were in a whole conversation about music and other things we both liked. It turns out that I had a lot in common with Daniel. I found myself laughing and had completely forgotten what happened previously. Daniel eventually pulled up next to a wood. I looked at him, confused.

"Why have we stopped?" I asked. He turned and looked at me.

"Because we are going for a walk," he answered, as if it was obvious

"Okay," I said, slowly "why?"

"To help forget everything that's happened...and I wanted to spend more time with you," he finished, quietly. I was stunned, and didn't know what to say. So I said nothing. A uncomfortable silence filled the air.

"Why?" I questioned, quietly "why would you want to spend time with me?" He looked at me his eyes opening in astonishment.

"Why the hell not? You're beautiful, smart, funny and everything I ever have wanted" He said, "look Taryn I really like you, like, a lot," I stared at him in disbelief.

"No you don't you're just saying that," I said, reaching for the handle of the door. The lock clicked. I felt a wave of claustrophobia grip me from the inside out. My breathing increased into short, panicked breaths, and I felt my head become light and sleepy.

"Let me out," I said, trying to control my breathing "let me out now!" Daniel looked at me, shocked by my panic, before opening the door. I fell out the door, falling to the ground. Rocks and mud dug into my palms, as I tried to slow my breathing. A warm hand rubbed soothing circles on my back. I felt weak and  shaky, but Daniels presence helped me so much, for some reason. I finally leveled my breathing, once again, and got up off the ground, wiping my muddy hands on my jeans. 

''I'm so sorry,'' came a soft voice, tickling my ear, from behind me ''I didn't know...I-I...'' I felt him move and when I turned I saw him sitting on the ground far away from me. Now it was my turn to comfort him. I walked over to him, gingerly. I was always bad at comforting people, I found it so awkward. I would probably end up laughing or something inappoipriate like that. But one look at his green eyes, looking truly shaken and sorry and all my worries disappeared. I sat next to him and embraced him tightly. His arms instantly went around my waist. He clung tight to me, nuzzling his face into my neck. We held our hug as if our lives depended on it. Daniel suddenly pulled back, and I found myself feeling cold, and disappointed. I hugged my now cold body, while Daniel stared at me intensly. I looked down, embarresed by his stare, hiding my head.

''Don''re're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen,'' He said, gripping my chin lightly, pushing it up so I faced him. I blushed a deep scarlot red, and tried to look anywhere but in his eyes, but I couldn't ignore the low hum of electric pumping through us. In all the books I've read about love they all say this is a sign of true love. I didn't believe it, I thought it was bullshit, but this buzz going through us made me think otherwise. But love doesn't exist. It's for people who believe in shit. Love doesn't exist in this world. It never will.

ohhhh a bit of a cliffhanger....kinda. Will upload yah!!!



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Joni xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2013 ⏰

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