Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

Lauren was wanting to adopt. She is looking to adopt a teenager around the age of 15. She goes to an orphanage close to where the girls of Fifth Harmony live. She walks in and a girl walks up to her

"Hello my names Julia. Can I help you?" Julia asks Lauren

"I want to adopt, a girl between the age of 13 to 15" Lauren tells Julia

"Okay well all of the girls of that age are in that room over at the moment" Julia tells Lauren and points to the room

"Thanks" Lauren says and walks in the room. Lauren walks in the room and looks at the girls. She sees a dark brown haired girl that looks beautiful. She walks up to her

"Hi I'm Lauren what's your name" Lauren asks the girl with a smile

"Um Hi I'm Spencer" Spencer says nervously

"Tell me about yourself Spencer" Lauren asks Spencer, still smiling

"There's not much to tell you honestly. I've been here for I while and I don't do much." Spencer says

"How would you like to be adopted" Lauren asks Spencer smiling

"Really, you want to adopt me?" Spencer asked hopefully

"Yes" Lauren smiles

"It would make me really happy to finally be adopted" Spencer says shyly smile back

"Okay" Lauren smiles "Want to go with me and tell Julia I want to adopt you, then get your bags packed" I ask

"Yeah okay" Spencer says

They go find Julia

"I'd like to adopt Spencer" Lauren tells Julia

"Really? Okay then, let's go to my office and get the paper work done shall we?" Julia says

"Yes" Lauren says

Julia takes Lauren and Spencer to her office and grabs all the paper work and hands it to Lauren

"Sign here and in a few more places" Julia instructs Lauren

Lauren signs

"Okay your good to go now" Julia tells Lauren and Spencer

"You ready to get your bags packed" Lauren asks Spencer

"Yes!!" Spencer says with excitement

"Lead me to the room" Lauren tells Spencer with a smile

"It's over here" Spencer walks to her room

Lauren goes in the room and helps Spencer get packed

"Well that's everything" Spencer says putting the last of the stuff away

"Alright, you ready to go see your new home" Lauren says smiling

"Yes!!" Spencer says excitedly

Lauren helps Spencer with her bag and they leave. They get in my car, buckle up and Lauren drives to the house

We pull up to the house

"Holy shit your house is nice"

"No swearing Spencer" Lauren scolds Spencer

"Sorry" Spencer says looking down

"It's okay sweetheart. Just no swearing" Lauren says to Spencer

"Okay" Spencer tells Lauren

"Let's go so you can see the house, yeah?" Lauren says smiling

"Okay" Spencer replies excitedly

Lauren AdoptsWhere stories live. Discover now