Chapter 3

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Thank you to demisaveslives for giving me the idea for the chapter and for all the help you gave me with the chapter


No One's POV

Spencer was running through the house, which she has been told not to do a million times. She runs up the stairs, heading towards her room. As she runs past a corner table with a lamp on it, the lamp falls and breaks. Camila runs in soon after.

"What happened Spencer?" Camila asks, seeing the panic written on Spencer's face.

"I was running and I accidentally knocked the lamp over... please don't tell anyone! I'm sorry! I don't want to get in trouble!" Spencer rambles frantically to Camila.

"Calm down Spencer. Why were you running in the house?" Camila questions.

"Honestly, I don't know why I was running. It won't happen again. Please don't tell anyone!" Spencer says, still freaking out. Suddenly an idea popped in Spencer's head and even though she knew it was wrong, she also knew it was her only shot at being able to sit down tonight. "Can you take the blame for me? Please?"

Camila bit her lip, thinking about it. She knew she shouldn't do it, but seeing Spencer so shaken up really pulled at her heart strings.

"Yes, I'll take the blame for you, but you have to help me pick this up and promise not to run in the house again, okay?" Camila tells Spencer, trying to get her to calm down.

"I promise I won't. I'll never run in the house again. Ever." Spencer promises, grateful for Camila's help.

"Alright, lets get this cleaned up." Camila sighed. "Go get the broom and dustpan please."

Spencer nods and goes to get the broom and dustpan, bringing it back to her in a hurry. Spencer holds the dustpan steady as Camila sweeps the broken shards of the lamp up.

Lauren comes in right as Camila sweeps the last of it up.

"What happened?" She asks, eyeing the broken lamp in the dustpan.

"I accidentally knocked the lamp over and it broke. Spencer is helping me pick it up." Camila tells Lauren.

Spencer looked at Lauren and felt guilt seep into her stomach. She studied Lauren's face, trying to see if she bought the lie or not.

Lauren kept her eyes trained on Camila. "How did you accidentally knock it over?"

"I'm clumsy. I was walking passed it and accidentally bumped into it. Then it fell and broke." Camila lies.

Lauren frowns. "I know it was an accident, but you still need to be punished for breaking the lamp, Mila."

Camila sighs and nods.

Seeing the look on Camila's face just made Spencer feel even more guilty. How could she ask Camila to do such a thing? It's her own fault and she's the one who should be punished.

Lauren AdoptsWhere stories live. Discover now