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I replied to a few more comments, each one making me happier than he next, my hands gliding fast over my keyboard as my mind took control and my fingers became the blurry sound of tapping.

But, as I said in my letter, 'All good things must come to an end'.

"Poppy!?" I hear my name being screamed from downstairs. I feel my body tremble and my knees begin to quiver as the voice echoed around my room.

I shut my laptop lid and slid it under my pillow, hiding it from the temper I was sure to be met with. I trudged downstairs, gripping the handrail as hard as I could for any kind of stability. My eyes began to water as they met with the burning blue ones they usually are.

"Where have you been Poppy?" My stepfather slurred, swaying side to side, the alcohol he had most definitely consumed earlier taking its affect on him.

"I-I was at school" I stammered, the moment my lips uttered the word 'school' a hard slap sounded as my head was struck to the side. A stinging sensation in my jaw and a damp feeling on my cheeks.

"Don't lie!" He growled.

"I'm not!" I squealed shakily, earning another slap to the other side of my jaw, he grabbed my neck and squeezed, all air being lost and my breathing becoming strangled.

"I told you not to lie" he spat. "You're lucky your mother gets home tomorrow. So she can protect you" he put on a toddlers voice as his finger trailed up my thigh, more tears threatening to spill as he reached the hem of my skirt. If I couldn't breather before I definitely wouldn't be able to now.

He laughed nastily at my terror before dropping his hands and shoving me backwards, my back hitting the steps and my head colliding with the wall. I ran back upstairs and jumped on my bed, crying into the pink duvet cover and letting the sobs take over.

The light pink material that lay over my bed had become a darker pink as every drop of liquid in my body had spilled from my eyes. I heard a few vibrations from across the room, slightly drowned out by my crying but I looked up nonetheless.

As I picked up my phone I saw emails telling me I had new comments. I tapped the web address into my phone and read the comments, logging in as the creator, the little star I had next to my name lighting up to signal I was online.

Although no amount of virtual hugs and sweet comments could make me feel any better, a small curve twitched onto my lips, the smile becoming wider as the wonderful readers took my thoughts and feelings and mushed them into something lovely. I then saw something that piqued my interest. One comment that stood out from all the rest.

Kai22B: You should start a YouTube channel.

I had never considered that. I had always watched YouTubers like Zoella, PointlessBlog, Marcus and sometimes even PewdiePie and TheRPGminx. I had never thought about becoming one. Of course this sort of job is 24/7 and my life would never be private again. I would miss out on being a proper 17 year old and won't get to do the stuff normal kids my age do.

But it would also open up a whole new world for me, o would get bigger and better adventures, I would meet new people and even gain a single friend. I would be able to get my name across to get more people to discover their own Casper. I can stay up late at night DMing viewers to make sure they're happy.

I would maybe even get a boyfriend. I mean, it's not unheard of for YouTubers to find romance over the course of their videos, look at Zoe and Alfie, look and Tanya and Jim. There are so many things I could do, so many opportunities opening up, but I don't know what content I would have. I enjoyed talking about problems, maybe a Vlogger? I was okay with make up but a Beauty Guru looked expensive and laborious.

I lead on my damp bed all through the evening until the sky turned black. I had a pros and cons list building and building, unfortunately at equal lengths. I was torn. I wanted to do this, but I'd be giving up so much, but gaining so much more. I decided I needed to sleep on it but, because I was a night owl, I wasn't tired.

I turned on my XBox and put FIFA 15 in, signing in and starting up. I was busy creating my formation and opening packs that I didn't hear Darren coming up the stairs. My door burst open and Darren stood there, eyes bloodshot and a disgusted look on his face.

"There you are" his voice was low and angry. I was scared for my life.

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