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He walked towards me with every intention of pain. A belt in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. His hand flew up and gripped the neck of my t-shirt.

"I've been looking for you" the smell of alcohol on his breath infected my lungs immediately and it started to make me feel dizzy. So dizzy I started feeling sick.

"You knew I was up here" I mumbled, instantly regretting it as a sharp slap came across my thigh with the cold leather of the belt. A red mark forming there instantly.

"Don't talk back. Just close your eyes you slut" he slurred, swaying slightly, the amount of chemicals swirling around his system would be enough to kill me. If I took that much alcohol into my body I would die by the end.

His hand started to move down my shoulder, a sharp intake of breath came from me as I knew what was to come. It must have been the best moment of my life when the doorbell rang, catching him off guard and running to the door, probably going to yell at whoever it was for interrupting him.

There were low voices downstairs as I collapsed back onto my bed. A sudden boost of energy sending me into a panic, I got up and barricaded my door, something I kick myself for not thinking of sooner. I moved my bed so it was pressed against the hard wood of the door and sat on it, cradling my knees in my arms as I waited for the reaction.

Soon enough, the stomping on the stairs told me he was coming back. I heard him getting closer, I heard the door handle turn, I felt the smack against the bed. He growled, slamming the door against he foot of my bed repeatedly.

"You can't hide forever!" He screamed at the door. A small feeling of safety creeping back into me. I heard him stomp away before going back to my game.

That's when I had an idea. What if I was a YouTube gamer? I didn't have to show my face yet, I could just post whatever I liked without talking or anything. No one has to know its me.

I went to my laptop and googled recording software, as it turns out capture cards are expensive but there is one in stock in the electronics store down the road. So, being as sneaky as I could and using my strangely athletic body, I scrambled out the window and dropped down onto the shed roof. Placing my feet carefully so I don't fall through.

I ran down the road with a debit card in my hands, prepared to pay for whatever it was that I needed, even if I have to dig into my future funds. Who needs a big wedding when I can have a YouTube channel?

As I entered the store I immediately get intimidated, all these gadgets around me, all these computer things, and I didn't know how to use any of it, I had to learn but it all looked so scary. I just wanted a capture card then to go home. But I had no idea which one.

"Are you okay?" A small voice came out from behind me, as I turned I was caught completely off guard. There was a boy, he looked roughly eighteen and he was, to say the least, gorgeous. He had light brown hair in a Mohican/quiff type of style, a lip ring and dimples that could cure world devastation.

"I'm-uhm- capture cards?" I asked with a squeak, embarrassment creeping up my body and presenting itself in a red form on my cheeks, he laughed softly before motioning for me to follow.

"What sort of thing are you going to use it for? If you don't mind me asking" he looked at me with his beautiful hazel eyes, my insides melting slightly.

"I record gaming videos" okay that's the first lie, I don't actually record any videos yet, why the fuck did I say that?!

"Oh really? For YouTube?" He asked and I nodded making his lips make the shape of an 'o'.

"Would I have seen any of your videos?" He smirked making you blush.

"Uh, no I'm still sort of new so I only have a small following" I smiled as convincingly as I could, I was too far in this lie, I couldn't turn back now, as he flashed an award winning smile at me I noticed a small purple streak running through his gorgeous hair. He was incredible to say the least.

"So what sort of frame tracking are you looking for?" He asked as he stopped in front of a shelf with multiple boxes. I looked at him blankly before just shaking my head, unsure about how I should answer anyway. He laughed before picking up a box nearest the end.

"I can tell you're new, try this one, it's inexpensive, easy to use and perfect for starting your own YouTube channel. Especially if you're new to the whole recording thing as well." He winked and nudged me, walking away with the box and towards the cashier, leaving me slightly dazed and confused.

I paid for the card and ran home, attempting to climb back through the window proved to be a slight challenge but I managed nonetheless. I ripped the capture card from the box and started setting it up. Excitement running through my veins.

This will be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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