Slumber party panic

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Fionna's POV

I'm a girl, who lives in the land of AAA. My hair is golden; and I'm.. about 13 years old. I don't really know, because I was found. This place is anything but normal, that's for sure. I believe that it used to be normal here, maybe under the seas where the lost cities are. But I don't crave to go somewhere normal, oh no. I crave adventure and excitement, which is already all in front of me on a silver platter. Why would I want to leave?

I live in a tall treehouse, near the candy kingdom. The kingdom is a wild and colorful place, inhabited by candy people, little beings made of sugar, and ruled by a pink prince. The ruler is a clean, respectful prince, Known for liking science, and being a buzzkill.

But he was my friend. My only friend, actually, besides my adoptive sister, cake. She was a cat, a magical cat. She could stretch her body however she wanted. She was very spunky and sassy. When I was a baby, her mom found me in the woods, cold and wet, sitting by an old oak tree. She felt bad, and decided to raise me as her own. I don't remember how I got there or why I was wet, and... I guess I'll never know.

In the land of AAA, there is royalty for everything imaginable. There are evil beings, and ones that are super good. Most- are good. Some... Have crossed to the dark side, and have to be fought by me.


My whole story begins at night, when me and prince gumball were wandering through the candy Kingdom's graveyard, while cake and her boyfriend, lord monochromicorn, frolicked in the nearby fields.

Gumball stopped us at a table that was already sitting there, full of multicolored chemicals. "I just need to add three more drops of explosive diarrhea." He told me, doing exactly that. The bottle exploded with a small green puff of skull-shaped fog, making a small "wow" escape my lips, just as something came to my mind. "Hey prince gumball, when we bring the dead back to life, will they be filled with worms?" I asked him, wiggling my fingers around like spiders.

I asked this, because, well, that's what we were doing. Bringing the dead back to life. At least trying to.

Today, gumball wore a scientists lab coat, and I have to admit; he didn't look half bad. But I would never say that out loud.

He slightly chuckled in response. "No. If my decorpseinator serum works, all the dead candy people will look as strong and youthful as you do."

I slightly blushed, but then quickly covered it up. Even if it was just a friendly compliment, I still liked to imagine that it wasn't.

"Fionna, can you pick up that platter for me please?" He asked, pointing to a medium sized serving platter that was laying on the grass. "Sure." I replied, lifting the somewhat heavy plate and placing it on his work bench.

"Good." PG nodded, and then pulled off the lid revealing-

"Old mrs. Cream puff!?" I asked, slightly disgusted.

I looked over her leathery, molding body, remembering what she used to look like. A nice old lady with Carmel colored skin. "Time has not been kind to you." I thought, trying to hold the barf back.

PG gained a guilty look and shrugged, "we used to date." He then took the serum and dumped it on her lumpy forehead, and I automatically began thinking jealous thoughts. "Why would he date her?" "why not me?" I won't deny it; I was pretty jealous, and.. I guess I did like him a tiny bit. I mean he was so nice, and his hair was amazing, all propped up like that, and he... Always...

(Terribly written) genderbent~ Adventure time!Where stories live. Discover now