Chapter one

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I stood expressionless as the young lad standing on my porch looked at me waiting for words to be said, or at least a readable expression.

"Uh y-ya um I guess if that was my mothers dying wish?" I said slowly, unsure of the words falling out my mouth.

"I know this is awkward. But I wanted to come by early so you know me a little before you move in next week. Next week? When was this even arranged? My mom died 4 weeks ago....? Why is it this certain man? Why someone i don't even know?

Unexplainable questions ran up and down my veins, causing ripples of uncomfort throughout the blood in my body. "So, well, if, well why though? Do you know why?" I urged.

"My mum invited you to dinner tonight so she can fully explain the whole decision on you living with us," the curly- haired man reasoned.

"Fine. What time?"


"Are you picking me up or do I have to drive myself? Because my jeep is falling apart."

"I would be glad to pick you up Brielle."

"Thank you. I'm gonna go get ready now, bye." I shut the door as he walked to his Range Rover. What the hell should i wear?

Trudging up the stairs I entered my teal painted room and opened the white closet doors. Finally I decided on a strapless, vintage floral top with high-waisted, light color hollister jeans. Rummaging through the small pile of shoes, my blue pumps are matched with my outfit. Lastly, I threw on a cream cardigan and checked my phone for the usual two notifications.

After tripping towards the bathroom, I brushed on little natural makeup, and fluffed my hair to keep its natural waves.

Shit it's 5:57

I quickly grabbed my cream clutch, phone, and house keys. A honk vibrated through my ears as I steadily walked out of my painful house and into the sleek black Range Rover.

A genuine smile was played across his beautiful pink lips and WOAH HOLD UP DID I SAY HIS LIPS WERE BEAUTIFUL?? What?

"Wow,Thanks!" he beamed in a girly high pitched voice giving me a cheeky smile that matched well with his precious green eye- OMG... PRECIOUS???

"How was your day love?" He chirped in his low and rich accent.

"It was good, but uneventful I guess you could say," I admitted while flashing a small smile for the fact he actually cared to know how I spent this cloudy day.

"What is for dinner?" I questioned trying to avoid an awkward silence.

"I think it's spaghetti and meatballs. My mother, Anne, is known in the family for making that simple dish taste so scrumptious," he emphasized the last word knowing that would crack a smile on my face.

At Harry's House
"Oh, dear, hello how are you? It's certainly a pleasure seeing you again after these few years," Anne gushed, although I don't remember seeing this women at all really.

"Hello I'm good and I hope you are too!" I replied trying to be polite and mannerful. Harry escorted me to the beautiful dining room and pulled out a chair for me. What a gentlemen. I don't think I've ever been this nervous before, God I hope no one notices my discomfort.

"Brielle, could I talk to you, privately?" A familiar deep voice pleaded.

"Uh- um ya sure."

We excused ourselves from the table and walked over to what looks like a guest bedroom.

I hope ya like😊
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