First day

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In case people were wondering, I am not. Let me repeat, NOT a morning person.
So let me draw a picture.

Imagine Marty Smalls, peacefully sleeping in her bed. Then have an over excited Scotty barging into her room, screaming. "Marty! It's Christmas! You have to wake up", and jumping on top of her.
Now I can't be the only one who sees something wrong with this picture?
So Marty, being the total grinch that Morning, decided to give Scotty a nice kick to the gut. The only person brave enough to try and wake me is my dad, but sometimes even he is hesitant to wake me.

So when my alarm clock went off this morning, it didn't stand a chance against an angry Marty bear just waking up from hibernation.

So after throwing my alarm clock against the wall, therefore silencing it's annoying wail, I rolled back over and shoved my face in my wonderful pillow.

Hearing my bedroom door open slowly and the soft steps leading towards my bed could only mean one thing. They sent my step-mom. They knew I wouldn't throw anything at her, or cuss at her for waking me up at such an ungodly hour.

"Marty? Honey, you have to wake up, the bus will be here in thirty minutes". Yep, that got my attention. "Thirty minutes! Why didn't anybody wakes up earlier!" I screamed, frantically clawing my covers off and falling to the ground in a heap.
"Your alarm clock has been going off for almost fifteen minutes" she said, gesturing to my destroyed clock.
I stared at her astonished."So! Someone still could've woken me up!"

She only rolled her eyes and turned around. "Your wasting time complaining, get ready!" And she was gone.

I huffed, falling back against my rug. Why? Why are they making us go to school with only a week left? It's dumb. Mentally sighing, I stand up and trudge to my vanity, cringing when I saw the monstrosity in the mirror. Rats nest hair, dried drool on my cheek, and dark bags under my eyes describes my morning appearance perfectly.

After brushing my hair and washing my face, I throw on some faded jean shorts and a red shirt which I tuck into my shorts. Walking downstairs to the kitchen, I see Scotty eating cereal, dad reading the paper, and my step-mom at the stove making something.

"Good morning Marty, did you sleep well?" Judy asked with a mischievous smile. (I have decided to name Scotty's mom Judy, since she doesn't have a name in the movie)

I gave a sarcastic smile and say down in my chair with a heavy sigh. She dished me up some eggs and bacon then returned to the stove.

Finishing breakfast in a flash, I hear the bus down the road. Shooting out of my chair, I grab Scotty's elbow and race to the door.

"Bye mom, bye bil-er dad!" Scotty said with an awkward wave. I gave a peace sign and continued my trek to the bus stop. And just in time to, we had just made it when the bus came screeching to a stop in front of us.

Going onto the bus first with Scotty following, I see a girl with a pink dress and blonde hair in pigtails sitting by herself. I mentally shake my head in disgust and walk further down the isle.

Finding a empty seat in the back of the bus was a huge score. Scooting in so Scotty has room to sit made him smile and scratch the back of his neck nervously. I gave him a sympathetic smile and turned to face the window.

The bus ride was dull and boring, not much happened. But that is exactly how I would describe the school. With bricks covering every square inch and a cracked sidewalk leading to the main doors. I gave Scotty a skeptical look and stomped my way up to the front office.

After receiving our schedules, I stood with Scotty in the breeze way. The breeze way that separated high school from junior high.(Yah, my first day as a freshman will only last five days). I gave a sympathetic smile and a mock salute and turned my back to the junior high and faced the devil called high school.

Putting on a brave face, I pushed the doors open and marched to my locker. Quickly putting in my combination, I start shove random crap into my locker but stop when my hand hits my glove. I pull it out and look at it. Smiling when I see all the wear and tear on it.

Shaking my head I put it back in my bag, shut my locker, and turn around to try and find my first class. But my actions were halted, halted by a short brunette in a white, overly expensive dress.

I'm positive a whole two minutes go by with just us starring at each other, that is until she decided to speak up in a high pitched squeaky voice.
"what are you supposed to be?" She asked, blowing a bubble with her gum and looking me up and down with disgust. And just to add to her snobbish look, she was twirling a price of her hair on her finger.
"Just trying to get my class" I reply with a cold smile. Pushing past her I march straight for my class, completely ignoring the wide eyes of my fellow peers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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