Chapter One: The Writing process

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Intro- Hi there everyone thanks for trying out this guide. Here I will give you a combination of tips and tricks that hopefully you find helpful in creating your own stories.

Preparation- The first step of course is to prepare your story. So you got a great idea in your head and want to bring it to life with your words. But the idea itself is probably a bit scattered so before you just dive in I recommend you jot down, anywhere you can, all the notes and ideas for your story so you can refer to them later.

This includes the names of your characters, how many main characters, or protagonists, you will feature in your works, the setting, everything that will be the ground work, or the foundation for you to write out your story as best you can.

Now this part is very important as you will discover what kind of writer you are in the grand scheme of everything else. Are you an architect, the one who plans out every detail of their story beforehand and follows it like a blue print; or even a map? Or are you the gardener, who treats their story like it's a garden seed and you, plant it, and tend to it, all the while as it grows into a journey of incredible proportions.

Personally I am more of a gardener type of writer, but I have aspects of the architect in me as well. In fact most people are a good amount of both types of writer they make plans for the future of their story and fill them out but along the way the story grows in unexpected ways for them and they go with it. And with all that being said, let's move on.

Creating- There are so many ways to create a story and it's up to you to decide how, and which way is best for you. Hopefully by now you have laid down the ground work for your story and can jump on in, but where to start? And how?

Well anywhere between here and the preparation you made for your story I'm sure you asked yourself, "What to write?" Even though you have an idea you think is golden you might not fully know how to flesh it out.

The answer to that question comes from another question you should ask yourself, "What do I, I the author and reader, like to read about?" Ask yourself what kind of stories interest you and what did you enjoy reading?

If you yourself do not enjoy your own work than how can you expect your readers to? Don't worry about what others think yet, write about what you want to read it's your story not theirs.

After you answer those questions you can continue on. Now let's really wonder how to start your story. You can start it off by introducing the characters as they are in a conflicting setting which shows off the theme of the story.

You can introduce the antagonists of the story making the reader wonder, who are they, and what are they planning?

You can even start the story out ahead to a large and critical moment in the Protagonists tale that hooks the readers in and keeps them wanting for more. There are so many ways to start off and you must find which one works best for your story but remember introducing the readers to something important to the overall story, Characters, Plot, and Setting, is a must.

Now with the start up all done let's look at the actually writing part. You as a writer, no as a creator of art itself must find, what I like to call, your voice. And I don't mean vocals either, unless you're a singer in which case yea find your voice.

But what "Find your voice" generally means is find your own style. However long it takes you its paramount that you discover your own unique style of creation and once you have you must work on fine tuning it. Do you think da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa when he was 8? No! He took years finding his talent as a painter and perfecting on it to create amazing works, and so to must you.

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