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"Oh come on Jimmy. Be a good friend. Help me out please?" He laughs at me,"I'm on edge with Sarah, I can't Edd. I'm sorry. I'm not losing her for you. Again." Damn, I hate when he pulls that again shit. I didn't try the first time. Sarah came onto me, it wasn't my fault. "Right, right. Because her coming onto me counts. Why are yall fighting so much lately?" He shrugged,"She's accusing me of being involved with that fucking shit man. I don't know why she thinks I am. I'm getting all romantic and shit because it's our three years in two days." I chuckle and look around the hall for a certain red head,"That's probably why. You were only ever romantic and shit when you had a pound of coke settled in your nose." He unconsciously rubbed his nose,"Yeah, I guess you're right. But at least we haven't fucked yet. Like I want it to be perf-" I zoned out because I could care less about his sex life. The hallway was starting to clear out and I seen my little bookworm come out of the library with a few books piled on eachother. I wonder how he can carry so much weight yet still be so scrawny,"Jimmy I gotta go. See ya." He giggles once he sees where I'm headed,"Good luck with the bone!" He yells making me shake my head. I walk behind Kevin, he doesn't seem to notice me so I take advantage and trip him. I pretend to fall on top of him, his books everywhere and him on his back. He has fear in his eyes but tries to put on a tuff face,"Watch where you're going pumpkin. Take less books so you don't have to carry so much." I smirk and get up, step over him, and walk to my next class. I can hear him sigh and pick up his books,"He's so cute.." I stroll in the classroom, the teacher doesn't even try to yell at me anymore, and sit in my seat on the opposite side of the room. I lean back in my chair,'What can I do next...'

After the bell rings I'm thrown from my thoughts when somebody tips my chair back,"Oh fuck!" I yell as I fall. I hit the ground hard, then I heard laughter,"Dammit Eddy! What the fuck?" I stand up shove him down,"Asshole." He just keeps laughing,"Shuddup! What do you want?" I asked annoyed, you would be annoyed by being tipped back then laughed at by your best friend since childhood,"Oh, haha, right. It's about your boy, Kev. I seen somethin weird when I was walking to class, right before I tipped ya." I get serious real quick,"What kind of weird?" He has a straight face,"Rolf and Plank backed him into the bathroom." My eyes go wide,"Fuck why didn't you tell me sooner you jackass!" I ran out of the room but stopped, I don't know which bathroom they're in. I growl under my breath and run to the North one because it's closer I open the door and walk in to see nothing,"Dammit!" I turn on my heel and run to the other side of the school. I see Rolf and Plank laughing and walking off, my blood boiling but I have to check on my pumpkin first, he matters now not beating some guys asses. I quietly open the bathroom door and hear sobbing, my heart just tore. I peak around the corner and he's laying on his side with his back to me,"Why...why do they hate me?" Oh god...how can this boy rip my heart up by just his hurting. I walk up behind him,"Hey Pumpkin," he cringes and curls into a tight ball,"Could today get any worse?" I felt like crying,"I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise." I sit next to him and stroke his soft, ginger hair. "Where's your hat?" He glances at me then shrugs,"Come here." I open my arms to him,"Please, I hate seeing you cry." He looked shocked but crawled into my arms and buried his face into my chest and cried his beautiful peridot eyes out. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and rubbed his back, whispering calming things in his ear. After a while it worked and he quit crying,"What did they do Kev?" He nuzzle my chest and sighs,"They did what they always do. They beat me up but this time it was worse than the other times...th-they tried to touch me..." My eyes widen,"They are so dead now." I growled, I could feel him shrink down a little, tears brimming his eyes again. Anger gone and replaced with concern,"Not you. Never again you. Okay? Just tell me if anybody ever just looks at you funny and they'll have an angry as fuck jock to deal with, okay? You don't have to worry your pretty little head about people touching you in any way ever again. I promise you that on my life." He looked so shocked, he'll I would be too. Long time bully suddenly says they'd protect you, fuck I'd be scared shitless. "Why?" I looked at him confused,"Why what pumpkin?" He sighed,"Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" I look away, I didn't want to tell him when we were in a place like this but I guess I have to,"I uh..." I look into his eyes,"I love you." It took a minute for his eyes to widen and a deep blush to run across his cheeks,"Wh-What?" I smile,"You heard me right pumpkin." He blushes more then looks down, at what happens to be my crotch, blushing darker then he was and looking at the ceiling. I smirk,"You're so cute." Somehow his face got an even darker shade of red,"I thought you were a pumpkin, not a tomato." He looks at me glaring,"Your neck is even red." I giggle looking at his neck then something hits me. "Or is that a fever?" I tilt his head back and lick up his throat,"I may need to cool you off, it seems to be getting worse." I slip his shirt off as he gasps at the sudden cold air hitting his red, hot skin. Damn he blushes too much, hehe kinda cute. I lay him back and lick from the top of his navel to his collar bone then blow cool air on it, earning a shiver and a strangled moan,"You're fun to play with but I have to go to practice. There's a meet Saturday. You better be there, you're my good luck charm. And if you don't show I'll have to go farther than this." I run my fingers down his abdomen, he responded with am shakey,"Okay." And a moan that was almost as beautiful as him,"Here's your shirt by the way." I hand him the white button up and green sweater. He blushed and held them to his body as I stood to leave,"Remember what I said pumpkin. Anytime. I'm here. Even if you just wanna cry, come to me. I'll be more than happy to help you anyway I can." With that I left because if I didn't I would be super late, yeah I'm captain but I have to set an example. I ran to the locker room and bumped into Johnny,"Whoops! Sorry man!" I shake it off,"It's fine." I go in and and change into my uniform.

I jumped into the pool to warm up but a few questions swirled around my mind,

How does he feel about me?

Did I go too far in the bathroom?

Why do I feel guilty for doing that?

Why did he let me?

Did he let me?

Well fuck...I wanna know now. Dammit I fucking hate myself for thinking of those questions during practice.

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