PROM Chapter 1: The Fail

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I hate my dad.

A lot.

I wish he'd just die already.

His name is Phillip. He's mentally ill. He got into an accident in '05, and then suffered severe issues with brain damage. He's basically a vegtable. He just sits there, on the couch, wrapped up, like a potato. I have to walk to school, which is about an hour away to walk. I'm seventeen, but my dad doesnt work, and he never did. It was always my mom who worked.

I never wish to see my mom ever again.


Her name is Elisabeth. She walked out on us after the accident with my dad. He says she was just on a short business trip. When I was little, I believed that because she was gone for just a little. It has been seven years..I dont think business trips last that long. I think my dad still believes that tale, just because he wants too. He can't face the fact that she's gone, and is never coming back. Ever. Seven years that bitch left me here in this hell hole with nothing but a lazy potato who sometimes forgets my name, and even forgets that I am his child.

One time, his brain damage was so bad he totally forgot about me. I walked inside from school, and he went completely crazy. He started shouting and screaming and throwing things into my face, and I let him. At that point, I wanted to die. I thought if I couldn't kill him, at least I could kill myself.

But what happened today was completely out of hand.

At school, they announced the seniors prom. It sounds like I'm excited, but I'm really not. First of all, I'm not one of those 'popular, high fashioned, anorexic, big ass girls'. I wouldn't call myself ugly, but very far from pretty. I guess I could look pretty if I tried. I'm more of the flannel type. You know, with jeans, tank top, flannel, vans. None of that, heel crap or pink bags. I could care less about my hair. I'm not fat, I'm actually quite skinny, but even if I was it wouldn't bother me much. I never had a boyfriend, don't think I ever will. Anyway, as I was saying. They announced the prom and that tickets would be sold for about 15 dollars each. As I was walking to my locker, I heard Savannah Clark, and Vanessa Jones talking about who they're gonna be asked by and all, until I hear their voices say my name.. "Hey Melanie! What are you gonna wear to prom?" They both said acting like they were dead serious. I said, "Umm I was thin-" until I was cut off. "A flannel dress?" one said. "You mean a flannel tuxedo" the other said, and then they both just started giggling. Whatever, I thought to myself and just walked away to biology class.

Mr Heimer is the worst teacher ever. Like no joke, he is the worst. He's mean and such a weirdo. All he talks about is his pet frog and his son Willy who is actually in that class, and sits right next to me. Okay and there's something I haven't told you. There's this kid, Samuel Thompsen, who I had a crush on since kindergarten. He is the most popular guy in school. Someone I could never get, but yet I still hope. He sits right in front of me in biology, which is pretty much why I actually like this class. Anyway, Mr. Heimer said we had to pair up with the person either infront of you or in back, and since Sam was in the very front he was my partner!

"This assignment requires going to each others house. Working carefully together, there are some things you need to be cautious about..." Yeah yeah yeah, whatever you get it. I was sitting next to Samuel Thompsen. The 'Samuel Thompsen'. Close enough to feel his body heat. I didn't notice that I was staring at him, but others did. I guess Vanessa and Savannah didn't like it. "Flirting with Sam much?" Savannah said. I didn't know what to do, so I acted confused. "Um, what? Flirt? With who? Sam? Sam who?" The whole class started laughing. Did it sound that bad? Even Sam was giggling to himself. I totally blew it. "Sam, she totally likes you. Why don't you ask her to prom? She'd be overjoyed. Hahaha" Vanessa said in a jokely matter. At that moment, Sam and I both, at the same time, made eye contact with each other for five seconds. I couldn't help but smile, and he smiled back. I was so happy, but a little too happy. Okay, way to happy. I couldn't control my emotions, they were blasting out. Oh my gosh BLLAHH. I threw up, right then and there, but even worse, on Sam. My life was ruined.


 end of chapter 1                   

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2013 ⏰

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