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Derek opens a giant vault door and i cross my arms.

"After you." He says and i walk in to find a giant apartment filled with no colorful furniture.

"And you live here?" I say confused and roll my eyes.

"I'll probably buy myself new furniture once i get a roommate to fill in while my crazy psychotic uncle is gone?" He says as if he knew me better than anyone in the world. Truth is we have never met and i've only heard the story about his whole family who burned inside that mansion house.

"Are you offering or demanding like always?" I say and he walks towards me and crosses his arms. "Who are you?"

"Derek Hale?" He says and gives me his hand. "And i'm offering, with no fee, no rent. Nothing but your presence and companionship."

"What makes you think i'm going to accept a stranger's offer?" I say and look at his scrub that makes his jaw pop out more.

"I know who you are Raven." I've never mentioned my name to him and i can't find anything to use as a weapon to threaten him and ask him how he knows. "Charles, before he got murdered he asked me to care of you, i gave him my promise and now i'm offering your chance to live."

"Why would he do that? He knows I can take care of myself." I say confused and he shakes his head.

"Then tell me why these hunters are still after you?" He says arrogant. "Look, the other night while you were in trouble i saved you." He says honestly and sighs in relief. "I also dealt with that girl who you forgot about today."

"Thanks." I say nicely and i could use a friend like him. He looks around my real age and since my aging stops at 21 i'll be this way forever in my blue skin.

"I know this doesn't make sense right now and why Charles would do this." He says and looks at me. "Especially with the loss of all your friends, it's hard to accept yourself and watch out for yourself." He says and i look up at him when he says 'accept yourself'. The only person who has accepted me was Erik but he's dead, long gone.

"Charles would've said the same thing if he were alive." I say in a sad voice, i remember the first time me and him had met.

"I'm just asking you to stay here with me while we can figure this out." He tells me and i nod.

"Thanks." I say and he nods. I walk away and transform into a pale white girl, with blue eyes and blonde hair (Jennifer Lawrence) to hide from the hunters.

"Be back by 10:00 and if you're not back by then, then i'll have Scott hunt you down." He says and i nod. "Where are you going?" He asks me and i look at him as i exit through the door.

"To find the hunters." I say in a loud voice. "And i'm determined to kill them all."

Music: Are you Mystique - John Ottman

I walk into the club dressed in a big poofy fur jacket hiding a black dress underneath. According to the news, one of the Anti-mutant politicians are here partying with strippers.

Derek said it was safe as long as i didn't kill him/her.

"Bonjour." I say to the guard and he smirks and lets me in. I walk in holding a black purse and i walk around the VIP area not spotting the politician. I find him in a bar with guys and men in suite asking him about business. I sit down next to the politician and order a drink.

Once the business men leave I'm left alone with the politician. He spots me and turns his attention towards me, just like i wanted. He smiles at me and i smile back.

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