Chapter 7-Jason

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Their swords scraped and clashed as both fought for the advantage. Dark warriors had infiltrated Ralian, and two had been left to ensure that Jason never lived to tell about what he knew of their plans—or the Shadowmaster's.

One dark warrior was already on the ground, unconscious. The other was fighting viciously, intent on killing his young opponent.

"Curse you, Ralian!" the dark warrior spat out, irritated at how well the boy fought for his age. "I swear by my honor that you will die!"

Jason smirked, realizing in light of the Guardian's strength in him, just how weak the Shadowmaster and his followers were. "Give it your best shot," he challenged.

The man suddenly whistled. Dragons appeared, illuminated by the glowing Arata vines clinging to the rocks which surrounded the wide, rapidly flowing Broken River.

Now it was the man's turn to smirk. "I leave you with your executioners—there are other matters to which I must attend."

"You can't kill Elena!" Jason said with defiance, pointing his sword at Darius. "I won't let you!"

"Is that so?" Darius laughed mockingly. "Give it your best shot then, Ralian."

And Jason did, just as flames blocked his view of the escaping assassin. When the flames had passed, Darius was nowhere in sight.

Six or seven dragons encircled Jason. He surrounded himself with a shield of ice, only to find himself feeling strained as the dragons breathed fire to take it down and scorch him. He could see that they were Shadow Dragons, which were considered the lowest in the dragon kingdom by most. Due to that rejection many of them had joined the Shadowmaster, though Jason did his best to persuade them to join his side—at least, when he had the chance. Right now his main focus was to stay alive.

"Jason!" a girl's voice screamed in surprise.

Jason felt a chill as he recognized who it was. "Nikki, leave! Now!"

Stubborn as metal, she drew her sword to assist him and dismounted Isabel, who then engaged three of the fire-breathing dragons. Nikki ran to meet one of the Shadows, ducking the flames that were sent in return.

Jason didn't like this at all but he was unable to stop or help her, with the three dragons who were still sending flames to melt his ice shield. A dragon came up behind her—she was too focused on fighting what was in front of her to notice what was behind. Jason didn't know where the dragon had come from, but it didn't matter. His sister was in danger.

Feeling a new surge of adrenaline, he felt more power pulse through him. Next thing he knew, the three dragons who surrounded him were encased in ice. He ran quickly to help Nikki, while Isabel was still fighting another dragon nearby.

"Look out!" he shouted as he pushed Nikki out of the way of the approaching Shadow.

He felt the flames before he saw them.

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Shadowmaster (Book 2# in the Guardian series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora