Levi imagine for @nathansflygrl

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Mable's POV

I couldn't wait for today to come

I wasnt sleeping at all. I was going to Disney land !

For the first time in about 4 years im going today

I woke up finding myself all ready in the car on my way

I was listening to the radio listening to the music when I saw a castle in the distance. I instantly knew I was nearly there

I smiled quietly to myself

"Excited ?" My friend Kirby said to me as she proberly has seen me look like a idiot

"Yes its been forever since we have been" I said perking my mood up

We were staying there for a week !

I kept speaking to Kirby and the next thing I knew I was in the parking lot for Disney land !

I looked out of my window and saw a boy with curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes with strechers but not to big they look horrible

He wore a Sleeping With Sirens tank top and ripped skinny jeans

He looked towards me and smiled

Oh his smile don't get me started on the heart melting smile he has !

"Come on this way !" Kirby said bringing me out of daydreaming until she stopped in her tracks and made a 'ohhh' sound

"Ok lovergirl let's go" I say laughing pushing her towards the rides

She turned her head to keep on looking

I turned round to see who it was she was looking at and saw the boy I was looking at but this time there was a blonde boy standing beside him. There were also two other blondeish boys walking towards the other two

They started walking our way too

-1 hour later (sorry for time skip)-

We were in the line for yet another ride

"How long are you wanting to stay for ?" Kirby asked

"About a hour or something " I told her

I went to turn around to see where else to go when I triped up and fell on to somebody who caught me

"Wow are you ok ?" He had a really strong american accent

I looked up to see who caught me

It was the boy that I was looking at

"Mab- who ...what....when !" Kirby said

"Yeah I'm fine thanks for catching me" I say smiling

Oh my god !

"I'm levi" he told me"and this is nate drew and Austin" he said pointing to each of them

"Hi, im mable and this is kirby" I say pointing to kirby as I spoke

She locked eyes with bate and smiled as his face went red

Well they are definitely going to have a future together

"Do you guys want to come on with us ??" Drew asked us

"Sure why not" kirby said

It was our turn for the ride and the order was

Me and Levi in the front
Austin and drew
Nate and kirby at the back

We were going down the steep drop and I felt something going to my hand

I saw Levis hand so I put my hand in his so when we went down the drop we held our hands up

Well lets just say I couldn't be happier at that moment

A/n this is my first imagine so I hope mable liked it

Kirby is next

Nicole xx

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