1|| Sasuke

114 7 2


Oh damn. I'm screwed. "Would you hurry up already?" I searched my whole bag, but couldn't find my notes. "Uhhh.. there may be a problem. I kind of lost my notes."

Sasuke didn't look worried at all. He just continued looking through his folder.

I sat down and observed Sasuke. "Here, I knew this kind of thing would happen, so I searched for resources as well."

I took the paper and looked at Sasuke. "Thanks, your a live saver." I gave him a sly smile, but he didn't dare give it back.

I took out my laptop, which I decided to bring to school, and placed it on the desk. "Here, let's continue our research. This will help." He took my seat and I stood up in his place. "I'll be right back." I walked down the long boring halls of school, searching for the girl's restroom. Oh, there it is.


I'm not sure if I should be reading this. It looks like its something she's working on that is top secret.

Screw it, I'm reading it.

Today was cool, well, until I got paired up with Sasuke for a project. That guy could lead to conflicts, I swear. And his attitude sucks. It needs to change. Other then that, he's fine. If he wasn't so emo.

Sigh. There's also Keito. He left town yesterday and I am devastated. Anyways, goodnight.




I spat into Sasuke's face. My face was flustered due to all my yelling.

I gritted my teeth and tried very hard to calm down.

"Okay, okay. Gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to read your precious secrets."

Not only that, but I put my feelings into that. Every single feeling.

"Your so unbelievable, you know."

A tick mark appeared on my face. "Your unbelievable, you ass!"

Idiot! How dare he call me unbelievable?!!

"Your an ass. Now can we get going?"

He said with a bored expression.

"Fine." I gritted my teeth and sat back down. I blushed at the fact that he read every single word in that file.



Sasuke and I were now sitting at an icecream shop. I was taking tiny bites of my icecream when I heard a vibrate come from my phone.

I looked at the number and I squeeled in excitement.

"Hi! I've missed you so much!!!"

"I have as well. Sorry I haven't called you in awhile. I've been busy with life."

"It's fine Keito. You don't have to apologize."

I looked at Sasuke who looked like he was about to puke.

Keito and I talked for awhile until he said he had to go. "I have to go Kyoko. I'll call you later. Tell Sasuke to keep safe and that he's still my personal poochie." I snorted. "Alright. Byebye. I hope you call my soon! Smooches! Byee!"

The line died and I put away my phone.

"Sasuke. Let's go."

You see. I told Sasuke I would stop annoying him if he took me to get icecream every single day.

It's been going on for a week already.

"You sure eat a lot of icecream. How do you stay fit?"

"Oh, that's easy. I don't eat breakfast nor dinner."

I answered as if it were a simple question.

"That's dumb." Rightt.

"Who eats breakfast anyways? Total fatties like YOU!"

Who am I kidding, he has a six pack for Kami's sake.


We walked by an allie that I heard a girl yell out from.

"I swear, I'll do it again. Just please don't hurt me."

I walked in between there conversation and kicked the guys' balls.

"That's what you get for daring to hurt a girl."

I saw the two boys scram away and I looked at the girl on the ground.

"Are you okay?" She nodded and looked slightly scared at our sudden appearence.

"We aren't going to hurt you."

She calmed down and I helped her on her two own feet.

"My name is Kitsune Anita."

I looked at Sasuke who looked hypnotized by her cuteness.

"Oh. I've seen you hang out with the Literary club before."

She nodded. "Yeah. I'm a member." I would know because I've once been a member of that club.

"Your Kyoko Kitsuya. I've seen you hang out with every club I can think of."

I nodded. "Your good at everything. Your artistic skills are absolutely awesome. And don't get me started about your writing skills."

I chuckled nervously. "Rightt.."

"This is-"

"Sasuke Uchiha. I know."

She blushed at his appearence.

"Well. I kind of have to go. I'm hoping to see you guys later." I waved a hand at her while Sasuke just watched her run away from us. Probably hoping he could get a glimpse of her panties.

"Sasuke teme! Stop daydreaming about the day you and Kitsune chan finally kiss."

I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

He looked away, obviously annoyed.

"Let's go already!!"

We walked to his house and I smiled at his mother's entrance.

"Hello Kyoko. I prepared lemon pie. Do you want some?"

"Hell ya'!" I ran to Mikoto's side and left Sasuke behind to enjoy the silent aura that's always circling around him.

"So Mikoto chan, can I come over everyday to enjoy your great pastries?!"

Totally forgeting to call her Mrs. Uchiha, I asked her about coming over every single day.

"Of course. Your welcome any time."

Mikoto chan was like a mother to me. She always acted like it. She's a nice lady, you know what I mean.

We walked inside the kitchen and there I saw on the table, a lemon pie.

I took my seat on the table and started eating the delicious pastry.

"Kyoko, you can cook right?" I nodded vigorously. "Would you help me make a cake? This cake is goimg to be for Sasuke's birthday. I know he doesn't like sweets, but I still wanna make a cake for his birthday so he can try it."

I nodded and gave her a huge grin.

"Great. Let's just bake the first layer first before you go off with Sasuke and study." I nodded and we started with our project.


"There's only
4 you

Those Words (Modern Sasuke fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat