Chapter 5

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The weeks rolled by, to be honest, I had no plans for the NYSC that was beating around the corner. My relationship with Ngozi followed the natural path of dissolution, I practically ignored her gradually as the time ticked off.

We both knew we couldn't have anything more than plain sex. That's all I could offer her, and I made sure she understood that right from the start. There was virtually no breakup, we simply parted ways.

I was single again.

To be honest, the major reason for my been single was due to my favorite girl of all, Francisca.

Francisca was just perfect. Perfect smile, perfect physique, perfect mind, and we were compatible in all aspects including sexually. She is the only lady I felt I could talk to without censorship or fear of been misunderstood.

We had loads of moments of laughs, moments of serenity. We could gist about religion for hours! It was like we were both searching for God. Franka was born in a Christian home, raised as a strict Catholic sort of church and yet, she fell out with the church.

She was the perfect girlfriend all boys wanted to have. And she loved me, and loved me deeply.

Franka, she always called each other 'Babe' and we had little to hide from each other. Her friends always wanted us over when they are itching for a drink and good fun company. To clear the record, I never had sex with any of her friends, I cheated on her about twice, and that was done out of the anger and hurt I felt at a stage in our relationship.

Whenever I listen to Ne-Yo's Over My Head, it brings me memories of the time I met her for the first time.

Here is the lyrics of Ne-Yo's Over My Head, it should give you a general idea of how it all went down.

"Over My Head"

So I had someone, you had someone
We started out as nothing more than friends ooh

But as the time got spent
I started liking spending time with you more than him ooh

And it wasn't what I meant to do
Started thinking about kissing you
Accidentally, accidentally ooh

Suddenly out of the blue
Guess she was thinking about it too
Cause ya kissed me and he saw it

Damn, damn


I might be over my head, a little over my head
But I kinda like it (kinda like it)
This is not what I expected, a little over my head
But I kinda like it (kinda like it)
I kinda like it
Oh said I kinda like it oooh

So of course he started acting crazy
Wound up punching you right in the eye ooh

He felt like the man but I felt bad
So I called you later to apologize ooh ooh

And it wasn't what I meant to do (oh no)
Start thinking about seeing you
Accidentally (ooh), accidentally (ooh) ooh

Suddenly out of the blue
Guess she was thinking about it too
Cause you came to get me and he saw you
Damn damn damn damn

This is so crazy yet so hard
They're fighting over me in the front yard
I don't know who I should root for
But there's one thing that I do know

Her openness and transparent nature attracted me to her. Her previous relationship was crappy, the unfortunate dude didn't respect her as a lady should be respected. A slap here and there, abusive relationship with a slice of sexual abuse. I can imagine her life been a living hell. It was one of those terrible days when she was running away from her boyfriend who wanted to beat the shot out of her that she came running into my hands, into my agnostic life.

The day still lingers in my memory like it was yesterday. I met her on the road walking really fast, from her expression, I had this feeling she was running away from someone, I could just feel it. I saw a look of fear masked with a sad smile. I had to use my brain and think fast.

Well, stopping her walk, I asked her to join me for a drink at a place not within our immediate environment. That's what my intuition told me to do, and it worked. We entered a taxi and went to some a bit far from the area. After a few drinks and laughter, she started telling me her story... The abusive relationship, friends betrayal and all. I felt hurt, she doesn't look like the kind of person that deserved the ill treatment life was dishing out.

And just like that, we were inseparable. To make it juicier, she was a silent agnostic. Her trust for what people called God was waning really fast. We would talk about how we think the earth should be and how God must be getting this whole system wrong. For real, when we traded what I called war stories (personal experience), I felt my life was privileged compared to her own life.

Her mum died as a result of over believe in the healing power of the church, she had to work at odd places just to make ends meet. She was a fighter, although a gentle, sexy and beautiful fighter.

Sex with her was heavenly, a man can't ask for more than this. Even the lady I later cheated on her with couldn't hold a match to her candle.

I was in love.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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