Chapter 5

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"Ah. Tricky, tricky." The Sorting Hat murmurs in my ear, sending chills up my spine. "Smart, yes. Determined, too. With a dash of bravery and plenty of loyalty... Hmmm..." 

Will you stop talking like I'm not here? I think, It's annoying.

The Hat seems to ignore me. It keeps rattling off traits. "... Not much patience. Makes up for it with attitude-" 


But the Hat just keeps rambling on. Finally, after what seems like forever, it seems to be at a crossroads. "... No... Maybe.. Possibly.. Yes. Yes, that's it." 

Finally, I think.

"RAVENCLAW!" The Hat shouts aloud, and Neville looks disappointed.

"Which one's Ravenclaw again?" I ask quietly, and Dumbledore chuckles.

"Ravenclaw  is the House for those of wit, learning, creativity, and wisdom." 

"Oh. So, the House of the nerds, then." I muse.

"In  a way, yes."

"Well, I guess that fits, I always got called a nerd in school. Well, other school." I smile at Neville. "Are you in Ravenclaw, too? Sorry, I forgot."

"No, Gryffindor. 'Where dwell the brave at heart.'" He quotes. He almost seems to be mocking it. I'll have to remember to ask him about that later.

"Oh. I bet I'll still see you around, though."

"I'm sure that you will." Dumbledore says. "Now, I think the Welcoming Feast should be ending soon. Mr. Longbottom, you might as well get a head start to the Gryffindor Common Room. I'll show Ms. Clark to Ravenclaw Tower."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2013 ⏰

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