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   I've been in rehab for three months now, I'm able to walk on crutches, my arm is healed, and my kidney is apparently doing remarkably well. Everyone at the center is extremely surprised at my quick recovery, they say it usually takes 6-12 months for a patient to regain good health. Somehow, I managed to do it in 3.

   I'm to be released tomorrow, and finally return to my apartment and my dog. Basically the only two things left that I'm happy to see.

    Despite being here every now and then, my parents have been seeing divorce lawyers throughout my rehabilitation. I'm not sure if my accident is what caused the sudden hate towards each other or if this was happening even before my accident, but whichever I'm just extremely upset that they would go through with it at a time when I desperately need them both.

    I have been asking all of my doctors to give me the contact information of the person who donated their kidney so that I could live, but so far they haven't told me anything. I'm hoping to get it out of them so that I can personally thank whomever did the immense kindness of giving me an opportunity to go on with my life.

    I did, however, find out who crashed into me. It was a man by the name of Jimmy Palmer, he was apparently a medical assistant to an M.E. in Virginia. Reports say that he just lost his wife and was visiting family, when he decided to go out to a bar, drinking too much and therefor causing the car crash. I was allowed to attend his funeral, to give his family my condolences, which they returned, reiterating how sorry they were for the damage he had done me.

  So, here I am, sitting in my room at the center, waiting for a word from my doctor that I am free to go. I am to be driven home by a nurse who will then make all necessary arrangements for me that will be needed considering my condition.

   Finally, after three long hours of waiting I was brought some of my own clothing and escorted to the front desk where I was checked out. As I was about to be taken outside, the nurse at the desk called me back. 

    "Miss Carter," she said as I slowly made my way back, "The man who donated his Kidney was a Mr. Ashton Irwin. I can get you his phone number and mailing address if you'd like?" I nodded vigorously, "Oh that would be wonderful! I've been wanting to get in touch with him so that I may thank him for... Everything I suppose!" I replied. The nurse, Georgia I learnt was her name, chuckled, "Well, you just give us a call if you need anything else honey, you ask them for Georgia especially." I smiled at her and thanked her, waving goodbye as I was led back towards the entrance, or exit, of the building.

    Three months and I was finally outside. It's so refreshing, although, it's no longer winter, but spring. They got me in the car then put my few belongings in the trunk. I was home within twenty minutes to find my mom waiting with my dog Sadie.

    I hopped out of the car, much to the nurse's annoyance, and waddled over to where my mom was standing. I knelt as well as I could to pet Sadie, then stood back up to hug my mom. Of course, being a mom, she was getting all emotional and was already in tears.

    The nurse set my things inside and had me sign some papers then left. As soon as my mom made sure I was comfortable and in good health, she left too, saying she had a bingo game to "attend with the ladies."

    I got up from my comfortable spot on my couch to get myself a cup of tea. I also grabbed a few Biscoff biscuits, because they are the bomb. It was then, as I got the biscuits out of the cabinet above my sink that I saw the sticky note from the nice nurse, Georgia. On it was scrawled an email address, both a cell and home phone number, and a home address. And the name, "Mr. Ashton Fletcher Irwin" 

   So that is my donor's name. Ashton Irwin. I like that.

    I decided to give him a call, so as soon as my tea was ready I returned to my seat on the couch and pulled out my phone. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. He answered on the third ring, "Hello?" "Um, hi. Mr. Irwin?" I asked.

    "This is he. Please tell me you don't need another kidney donated, because I already donated one to a girl." I blushed hard, even though he couldn't see me, "Uh, no, actually I'm calling to thank you for giving me a kidney. So, um, thanks for the kidney!" I replied. He lightly gasped, "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything. But, uh, you're welcome... What's your name again?" "Lyric Carter" "Ah, that's a very unusual name. Very pretty though. I like it. Lyric. Hmm."

    He went on like that for a few minutes before realizing that I was indeed still on the other line. "Oh, right, so Lyric, would you like to go out? Like, for coffee? Soon?" I laughed at his eagerness, wondering how old he was. Judging by the fact that his Australian accent still sounded young and sexy, I was hoping he was around my age. "I would love that, Ashton. When and where?" "Oh, really? Oh wow okay! Um how about we meet at Starbucks later? Around one maybe? I could pick you up if you still can't drive?" I chuckled at his awkwardness and said, "That sounds awesome! But, yeah, my leg is still quite broken unfortunately, so I won't be driving for a while. I hope you like dogs cause when you get here mine might lick you to death." He chuckled, although it sounded more like a girly giggle to me, "I love dogs. I'll be there in a bit. Oh, and is it okay if I text you when I get there so you can tell me which one is yours?" "Sure. I'll see you in a bit Ashton." I smiled and hung up, going into my room to make myself look a little presentable.

    After I was dressed in a white lace tanktop, black shorts because I couldn't wear pants over my cast, and my black vans I went back into my living room to await Ashton's arrival.

    A little less than ten minutes later I received a text from him asking which apartment number I was. I told him "216" and seconds later my doorbell rang.

    I opened the door to be facing the back of a young man with sandy curls and extremely tight black skinny jeans. He turned around to reveal warm hazel eyes and an adorable smile.

    "So, you have my kidney huh?"


  Here's chapter two! Yay! So yeah I just found out that someone broke into my aunt's house and stole her purse on Friday night. And she just had to put her dog, Fiona, down on Monday. She was the best dog ever and if I knew how to write a eulogy I would write her one.  Anywho back to a happier note, Lyric and Ashton are meeting for the first time yay!!  I have a lot planned for these two so yeah, don't go anywhere just yet bc this is hopefully gonna be fun.

   Lots of Love,

           Amanda 💚

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