Chapter 8

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"Get out the car B", Justin says attempting to pull me out.

"Nooo, I can't do this".

He groans and kneels down to my level .

"Do it for me ", he says rubbing my hand .

I groan and mentally get myself together.

Its now or never.

I grab my bag and follow Justin into the cafe.

Chelsea POV

"Damn Jacob , I'm nervous , I feel like shit all over again", I say sipping my coffee.
We currently waiting on Breanna.

"Yeah , we just have to go with the flow", he says rubbing his hands through his fro.

I love Jacob . Its hard to explain.
But I want to mend things with Breanna, or not lol.
I hate to be a bitch but she thinks she always can have her way.

As if on que , she walked in with this guy.

That's Justin Combs , he's in the NFL and trust me he has some money.

I feel Jacob tense up.

They walk up to the table and sit.

"Hi y'all".

Breanna nods at me. And Justin shakes my hand.

Breanna POV

Seeing Jacob makes my heart hurt.
I've been sitting here for 5 minutes and I'm pissed all over again.

"Why? That's all I want to know Chelsea".

She looks down and I see tears . Bitch please.

"I started talking to Jacob before y'all got together in high school , I thought we were gonna be official but I was just a booty call, our feelings didn't really start developing till you started going on tour and recording music, and I was in love , and I'm sorry", she says.

This put me in deep thought.

"But in my defense, you were never home and a man has needs , I wanted kids , I wanted love , but you treated my like a little friend", Jacob says sipping his coffee.

"You selfish bitch! I was bringing in all the money while Mindless Behavior was "revamping", and you repay me by knocking up my best friend, and you claim its my fault", I scream.

Justin tries to calm me down , but I take my water and throw it on Jacobs face.

"I'm trying to be civil but you will not treat my fiance like that", Chelsea says smirking and holding up her hand so I can see the ring.

I raise my eyebrow.

"Let's go Justin, get your cake up bitch. ", I flip Chelsea off.

I'm tired of her playing that nice girl act.
I knew she was really a bitch .

"That escalated quickly", Jus says laughing .

I playfully roll my eyes.


A/N:) I'm not updating till I get
5+ votes

It takes a second too click the damn star and type lol.

Come on y'all wtf
And everyone who us voting.

Thanks.. I luh you

Me, Myself, And I (A Sequel to Sincerely Breanna)Where stories live. Discover now