Imagine #1

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YouTube Video
(*This imagine is based on the YouTube video by Ebony Day, all challenges are the ones in her video and I take no credit.*)

You and your boyfriend James had decided to make a video for your YouTube channel. You were both going to be doing a bunch of challenges together and see who wins.

"Okay everyone, today I am joined with my boyfriend James! Say hello James."

"Hello everybody!" James smiled at the camera before looking back at me.

"So today's video will be made up of lots of different challenges, whoever wins the most challenges wins. You ready James?"

"I'm ready, are you ready Y/N?" He asked and I nodded my head eagerly.

"Let's get started!" I shouted and heard James chuckle next to me.

"Okay so the first challenge, we both have a glass of water and we have to try and gargle a song and the other person has to try and guess what song they're gargling. Whoever guesses the most correct answers wins the point." I explained.

"You're first James."

James took his glass of water and took a sip. He tipped his head back and started to gargle. He was gargling to the tune of "Year 3000" by Busted before some of the water started to dribble out of his mouth.

We both started to laugh.

"Was it Year 3000?" I asked James.

"Yeah it was." He smiled before turning back to me,

"Your turn."

I took a sip of my water before I started to gargle to What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction.

I finished gargling but hadn't yet swallowed the water so as I started to laugh, all the water came out of my mouth.

"Oh my god!" James laughed at me.

I couldn't control my laughter.

"It's gone over the camera!" We were laughing hysterically.

Because James had forgotten what the tune that I gargled, I had to do it again.

I gargled again, this time without spitting out the water.

"Oh! Was it What Makes You Beautiful?" He asked. I nodded my head in reply.

The challenge continued on like that but James won.

"Okay, so for this challenge, I went out and bought us a packet of chicken each as we both love chicken and we're going to see who can eat it the fastest." I handed James his packet or chicken and we both opened it and I handed him a fork.

"You ready?" I asked and he nodded his head in response.

"Okay, three, two, one, go!"

We started eating our chicken, but we both had different tac tics. James put as many pieces of chicken as he could into his mouth where as I ate the pieces one by one.

"I feel like a hamster." James said, I could barely make out what he said because he had his mouth full.

"I don't think hamsters like chicken James." I told him.

We both put the last piece of chicken into our mouths and tried to eat it as quickly as possible.

"It's a draw!" We both finished at the same time.

"Two points to James and one point to me."

"For the next challenge, I will be styling James' hair. Do you want to tell them what you're going to be doing?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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