Chapter Part 1

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"Jakey." A voice called out to me in the darkness. I groaned and asked them to leave. "Jakey, time to get up. You have to get ready for your party." I could recognize the voice as belonging to Carrie, my sister.

"It's just another day. Just another reminder that nobody wanted me." I told her.

"Jake!" She yelled. "Don't you ever say that. You don't know what happened back then. They might have you left there so that you didn't get killed. Besides, if they didn't, we wouldn't have found you, and I'd have one less brother." I stared at her while she ranted. I have never heard her yell at me before.

"I'm sorry, Carrie. It's just that this day always reminds me of what might have happened."

"I'm sorry I yelled. It's just that every year you say this and it makes me feel like you don't want to be a part of this family, that you don't want me to be your sister." She told me, her eyes starting to well up.

"I'm sorry, Care. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I wonder what they were like, and I guess that just make me wonder what it would have been like to grow up in that family. That doesn't mean I don't love you guys because I do. You're the only family I know." I told her as I held her close.

"Jake, Carrie, the guests are arriving. Come downstairs and greet them."

"Coming mom." I shouted down. Carrie and I walked downstairs and saw the alpha of the local wolf pack. "Alpha Tom, glad you could make it."

"Well, I had a lot of alpha business to do, but I was curious as to what kind of shifter you would turn out to be."

"Well, Carrie seems the think I may be a lion."

"Well, that would be interesting. If you are, then you may be only one alive."

"That would suck. Anyway, are you the only one coming?"

"My niece, Cindy should be here soon. I'm surprised a little though, she usually has problems with vampires, thanks to her dad."

"We'll see." Alpha Tom left to talk to dad. Just then, My friend, Lucas, came up.

"Jake, happy birthday, man. Jenny'll be here in a few. She and mom were having wardrobe problems."

"Thanks, man. I hope they didn't go all out."

"Knowing Jenny she will just because it's your birthday."

"What makes you say that?"

"I believe that she's hoping that she's your mate."

"I hope she's not too disappointed if she isn't," I told him. "I just hope my mate doesn't hate vampires."

"That would majorly suck." After a few hours and greeting a few more guests, my body started to hurt, like all of my bones were breaking at once. My family was worried that something was wrong, but Alpha Tom assured them that it was normal for the first shift to hurt so much. After a few minutes, the pain finally stopped, and I heard gasps from a few people. I looked down and saw two golden paws. I tried to ask for a mirror, but it came out as a roar. Carrie went inside to get a mirror. When she returned, I saw that I was a lion, with golden fur, a golden tan mane, and a black flame on my forehead.

"Jake." Alpha Tom called to me. "Walk around and see you if your lion can smell your mate." I walked around sniffing every female, trying to see if any of them was my mate. After the last female was sniffed, besides Carrie, I went back to sit beside my family in front of Alpha Tom. "You didn't find her?" I shook my head, lowering it facing the floor. "It's okay. Maybe you'll see her at school tomorrow. Just because she isn't here today, doesn't mean that she won't show up soon."

"Alpha Tom is right. And regardless of how long it takes, we'll always be here with you." Carrie told me, as she wrapped her arms around my neck and rubbed my fur.

"Carrie is right, Jake." Dad told me. "And regardless of whether you turned out to be human, a lion, or even a werewolf, you would still be our son." I just nodded, still in my lion form. "Why don't you go up and get dressed. When you come back down, we'll continue the party." I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door. As I pulled my pants up, there was  a knock on the door. 

"Jake, can I come in." Carrie asked.

"Sure." She came in and sat on the bed, looking down.

"Carrie, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"I'm supposed to be the one to ask you that." She told me, bumping my shoulder playfully.

"Well, I know what's wrong with me, but I don't know what's bothering you."

"I'm just worried about you. I know how you've been waiting for your mate since I told you I thought you were a shifter."

"I'm okay right now, just a little disappointed I hadn't met her yet. But I hope I do tomorrow at school."

"Good now come on down. The guests have presents."

I'm a lion raised by vampires and my mate is a werewolfWhere stories live. Discover now