What Demon?

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After being threatened by Shooting Star, I wait until Pine Tree falls asleep.  I follow him to a shack in the woods.  I see Llama and Star in the window. Amulet must've kicked him out or something.  I sit and wait for them to go to sleep. 

Pacifica's POV

"Paz, why'd you invite Dipper? He's dangerous."

"Why wouldn't I?"


"It's not like he hates us like Mabel does." Then someone knocks on the door. "I got it!" I yell running to the door.

"Hello." Dipper says awkwardly.

"Hey, hey, hey, come on in." I say with a smile

"Thanks for letting me stay here."

"Why can't you stay at your own house?" Gideon asks.

"Mabel kicked me out, and my great uncle sided with her."

"What about your parents, since they do live here." Gideon asks confused.

Dipper takes a deep breath. "My parents are trying to get a divorce and they do not want us living with them, one they don't want to us see them fight and two, until it is final."

"Oh." I say.

"It's fine. I try not to worry about it." He shrugs it off. I didn't know that. First his parents, then his uncle and sister, it's terrible. Don't be. It's my fault anyways. Who said that?

"Anyways, I'm gonna go watch Specter Provokers." Gideon says taking a seat on the floor.

"Cool, I love that show." Dipper says sitting next to him. They are both nerds, but Dipper's a really cute nerd. I decide to sit next to him.

Dipper's POV

We watched about three hours of Specter Provokers before I realized that Gideon fell asleep on the floor and Pacifica on my shoulder. What surprised me was Gideon got scared so many times, especially for an adventurous little kid. I get up and decide to take them to their beds. I touch my amulet and they start levitating as I guide them towards their room. Why does that cheapskate have them share a room?  It's not proper.  Anyways I leave and head back to their living room and try to go to sleep.

Pacifica's POV

I wake up in my bed, which I don't remember falling asleep in. Getting out, I see Gideon in his bed as well. I wonder if Dipper is still here, so I go look in every room but Bud's and our's. After looking in every room I finally find him dozing off on the chair. What was odd was that a triangular shaped shadow was floating down towards him. I run immediately to Gideon trying to wake him up.

"Gideon! Wake up! Dipper's in trouble!" He grumbles and faces the wall. I spot his book. I run downstairs while flipping through the pages to find something. I stop on a page.

Will Crypto. Will has proven to be amazingly trustworthy. Though he seems overly scared and worried all the time.

I chant the spell thingy on the next page then everything goes black. I then wake up in the weirdest place. It was dark and twisted. I find a door and open it. I see two little kids and their parents in what looks like a mansion.

"Mable, did you clean your room?" The mom asks

"Yes, mommy." The girl says happily.

"And you Able?"

"No mommy." He sighs.

"Why not?"

"Mabel made me clean her room." He says.

"She'd never do that. Able go clean your room."

"Yes mommy." He says walking away. When he turns the corner his sister pulls him over.

"Dipper, don't you ever try to tattle on me again." She says slapping him.

"You're crackers.  I don't see why I should listen to you, you, you pill."

I slam the door shut.  I'm in Dipper's head.  I find another door with a smile on it.  I enter and find a few more doors.  I open another one.  It's when me and Gideon went to the tent for their show. Suddenly the doors start to fade, my first instinct was to leave that area. When I pass through the door I see a blue Dorito.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I yell. He jumps and falls downs

"W-what are you doing here?" He whimpers.

"I saw you going into his head. Why are you here?" I ask.

"I was told to take memories of a 'Pacifica' and of him quitting his part of gig."

"Who told you that?"

"Amulet." He says but an image of Mabel appears on his two dimensional body.

"Well you're not doing that anymore. She, uh, sent me to tell you to cancel your mission. You can go home."

"Just to make sure." He makes a dialing noise and Mabel appears on a screen.

"What is it, Will!?"

"Uh d-did you send a her to tell me to cancel your p-plan?"

"Pacifica! Will, don't just sit there! Kill her!" The screen disappears.

"S-sorry." He makes a gun with his hands and shoots a big hole in my stomach. I scream and run away.  While running, I trip and roll down a hill and hit a door.  I hear Will and run into that memory.  Once again there were same two little kids.  Mabel was running up to Dipper with a book.

"Dipper, look what I found." She says.

"A book?  It looks ancient."  I sit behind a tree and watch.  Mabel flips through the pages, stops on one and starts saying gibberish. A portal opens.

"This is really cool! Dipper, come look." Mabel say looking through it. Dipper goes to look as well, then starts to scream. I run over and pull him out. He was fidgety and sputtering to the point I couldn't understand him. A strand of hair faded to white.

"Are you okay?" I ask. He twitches.

"Y-yeah." He says calming down then stands up. "W-who are y-you?"

"You'll find out in the future." I say. He looks at the hole in my stomach and moves his finger up. The hole is filled. "How'd you do that?"

"You're in the head, more importantly my head, anything you can think of can happen here."

"Thanks, Little Dipper." I say running to find Will.

"Don't call me that!" He yells.

I run until I find Will. 

"Hey, Will!" I yell.  He turns around. I make a gun with my hand and pretend to shoot. A large hole appears under his eye.

"Hey, that was my favorite tie." He cries then turns orangish red. "You wanna play that way? I can play that way!"

"I was told there was a demon here, what demon?" I taunt.

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