
12 1 1

Well today I woke up bc my bro came home from work early at like 11 am I got up and stuff I went and ate food at 12:30 I showered and then ate more food /pizza\ my sis came home at like 2 I think I'm gonna eat another its 2:34 now I'll be waking my sis in about 15 mins so she can drive me to the library so I can go to anime club yey.

I'm also eating watermelone and watching animuuuuuuu ft I'm catching up I'm gonna make a new cover bc this one sucks. I'm gonna make the cover with a picture I just took and edit some stuff on it. I don't get how people make such perfect covers its so hard ;w;

My nails BTW on photo

I'll update after I get back from animuuuuuuu clubbb x3

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