Chapter 6

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Emily's POV

While driving home, a million thoughts were racing through my mind. Should I tell Ross? Was it not a big deal? Will this influence the tour? I had so many questions that I wasn't even sure where to start answering them. So I did the next best thing. I called Hallie.

"Hello?" She answered.

"We have big problems. Big problems." I said.

"Like what? Is this about you and Ross?"

"Worse. It's about me and Luke. Ok, so after rehearsals today, he took me to this cute little coffee shop called The Coffee Bean and it was a totally normal friend hang out thing. Except, when I was driving him back to his hotel and we were saying our goodbyes, he kissed me. Kissed me. Can you believe that?! I mean it's not like I kissed him back or anything and it was just a small peck but still. What am I supposed to do? Should I tell Ross? Is it not a big deal? Help me please." When I finished, there was a pause. At first, I thought Hallie hung up on me, but then she started to speak.

"Ok, so yeah, this is kind of a problem. I mean, if you didn't like it or you think things will be fine between you two, then there's no reason to tell Ross. However, if this isn't the case, I think you should tell him."

As always, she was right. 

"Well there might be a small problem then.." I trailed off.

" liked it?!"

"I mean, it wasn't bad. Don't get me wrong, I love everything about Ross, but I've been spending a lot more time with Luke and he's so sweet and such a gentleman...oh my gosh. What am I saying? I think I just need to clear my head and not think for a while. I'm pulling into my driveway now, I'll call you later."

"Ok...if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. You better figure this out, though, because otherwise there will be problems between you and Ross that you don't want to have."

"I know. Thanks Hal. Talk to you later." I quickly hung up, took the key out of my car, and slowly made my way up to my door.

What the heck was I supposed to do? I thought the talk with Hallie would help but it honestly just made things worse. It's not like I wasn't completely still in love with Ross, but I guess I was just getting sick of us constantly being apart. 

No. This was a one time thing between Luke and I and I just needed to get my head on straight. So, I heated up some water, squeezed some fresh lemons into it, and lied down to take a nap. 

Luke's POV

What was I thinking?! I can't kiss Emily! She has a boyfriend. She has no interest in dating me or probably even being friends now that I pulled that little stunt. 

When I finally got into the hotel room, I knew the boys were going to bombard me with questions. Sure enough, they did.

"How did it go?"

"Is she in love with you?" 

"Are you in love with her?"

"Guys, not now." I said, clearly not interested in discussing what just happened.

"So it didn't go well." Ashton said.

"It was amazing until I became an idiot." 

"What'd you do?!" Michael exclaimed, suddenly becoming extremely intrigued.

"We were saying our goodbyes in the car, and I kissed her. On the lips."

"Woah! Dude! Bold move!" Calum exclaimed, putting his hand up for a high five that I pointedly denied.

"Yeah, and it was stupid. She probably hates me now and never wants to talk to me again. I mean, now things are going to be awkward between us and I don't know if I want to deal with that."

"Hey I get it man, but don't worry. We will do everything we can to distract Emily and make it less weird between you two." Ash said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it." I said. "I think I'm just going to go outside, take a walk. I just need to clear my head."

"Alright, see you later." Cal said, and I was off.

Emily's POV

When I woke up, it was around 7:30 pm. I decided to call Luke. Even though I was not looking forward to talking to him after that awkward encounter, I knew it would make us both feel better about the whole situation.

"Hello?" When I heard his voice, I froze. What was I supposed to say? 'Hey that was some kiss we had.' I took a deep breath and started the conversation.

"Hi." I said. Genius. "So, um, I decided that we needed to talk this out. Whatever we are, whatever we want to be, we need to figure it out so that it's not weird or awkward when have our next rehearsal or something."

"Yeah, I totally agree." He replied. 

"Yeah, so, um, you do realize we have to be just friends right? Wow, that sounded harsh, ok, let me start over. Luke, you're an amazing guy and I really like you, but I'm with Ross and we can't be a thing. Well, you probably already knew that so I don't know why I restated it. Well, ok, Luke," I started but Luke interrupted me.

"Emily, stop worrying," he gave a small laugh, "I'm fine. I realize what I did was wrong and I should have never done it. Don't beat yourself up. Besides, I already know I'm a great guy." I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"I'm glad we can still joke about this. I guess I was just scared that we couldn't be friends. I really do like you, but not like that. I mean it's not like you're a bad kisser, you're a great that was weird. Here I go again with the rambling. Luke, I hope we can find some middle ground where we can still joke around with each other and it won't be weird. Do you agree?"

"Yes, I absolutely agree. I was in no place to put you in that kind of situation and I'm really sorry."

"Thank you so much Luke. This made me feel so much better. I'll talk to you later." I sighed with relief.

"Ok, bye Em." He said and hung up.

That conversation is just what I needed and I'm so glad that Luke was so understanding. I'm very glad I got into this type of situation with someone like him.

Luke's POV

After I hung up with Emily, I sat down on a bench nearby. It was official. I was in the friend zone.

Honestly, though, I'm glad it's with Emily. She's such an amazing girl and I'll just have to respect her wishes. Was I upset that we couldn't be a thing? Obviously, but it's not like it was a big deal. I could still hang out with her and see her almost everyday and have her eyes look into mine and see her beautiful blond hair and...crap. 

I can't be in love with someone who I've only known a little more than a week. Honestly, it's ridiculous. 

I'm in love.

One Last Dance: A Ross Lynch Fanfic feat. 5SOS (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now