Vampyre Prince 27

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Kayden and KD just circle around each other and I can do no more than watch anxiously as they spin in the deadly circles. No-one dares to make a single sound, the entire coliseum sat and stood quietly with their eyes fixed on the scene before them.

"Why don't you try and attack me, son? You've gone this far? So why don't you hit me?" KD taunts.

 A low growl escapes Kayden’s mouth, he spread his long, black wings, and everyone gasps in shock, including me. They look so full and lush, the power radiating from them. "Why don't you?" Kayden taunted right back at his father.

A growl comes from KD and the fight began.

The power radiates from both of them as they attack each other with no compassion. Lightning strikes of different colours hit the ground of the arena, balls of lighting rebound of the arena walls just to be caught and used again. The wind generated by their wings whipped mercilessly at my face as their powers increased.

"Mommy!" Zachary screams. I turn to pick my little boy up and place him into my lap. He didn’t object as I clutched him to chest.

"It's alright, Zach.... It's alright...." I repeated as his body shivers against my own.

"But daddy and Raymond are going to die. We're all going to be sa- Rain."

As he said those words, raindrops began falling onto my face. I look up and immediately the rain start to pour hard onto my face. I hear the hurried footsteps and turn to see a flustered maid hurrying up to Zack and I, holding an umbrella.

I took it and nodded. "Thank you." The maid scurried off to her seat in the corner of the room.

"Mommy! Look at Daddy!" Zach yells.

I look back and gasp. The battle is right in front of me now.... However, that's not why I'm gasping. Kayden has changed. His hair had grown to the small of his back and was midnight black; his eyes are a bright bloodthirsty red. A strange black glow surrounded his glorious body. However, what truly surrounded him were his wings, making him look like a Dark Angel. My Dark Angel.

KD looks at me and smiles as he produces a bright orange fireball appear in his hands. He mouths "You will be mine." to me and I start to shiver involuntarily.

Kayden roars and jumps up to collide with his father and they simultaneously hit the ground, making it shake. Kayden rips at his father's throat and managing to take a good chunk out of it. KD pushes Kayden off and his body flies towards the stand where Zach and I sit. I spin around and shield Zach with my body from the impact.

Our bodies fly back into coliseum. I manage to twist myself in the air a millisecond before my back slams onto the wall. I can hear the sound of my bones break as I slide down the wall. Zach wails in my arms. I can see stars....

Oh no.... My baby…

Kayden wobbly stands up and he stares at me in horror.

"Alexis. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Kayden whispers as he kneels beside my body.

Zach whimpers. "Daddy no! Daddy turn around!" He yells while pointing behind Kayden.

KD grabs the back of Kayden's neck and lifts him into the air and looks down at Zach and I.

"And now you will watch your lover die." KD says while smiling and his hand lifts up to deliver the final blow.

"Please! Please don't hurt him!" I yell while trying to stand up. I put Zach down and see Luke running over to us.

"Go to Uncle Luke. Now!" I command.

Zach looks up at me. "But mommy! That will hurt the baby."

"Baby!?" Kayden and KD yell at the same time.

Sold to the Vampyre Prince. Yes it's the one with the y.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora