Chapter Two//

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I didn't understand it. Why he had to be such a douche. He was the guy I looked at and said
"This is what I want in a guy."
I almost snorted at the thought in the middle of English. I couldn't help it. My thoughts DEFFINETLY weren't on how we can improve expository essays and there thesis statements.
My mind was far from that.
How could my mind focus on a lesson when I just learned that my favorite band of all time was at my school. And there lead singer, (my personal fav) was a complete ass!
How would ANYBODY not be shocked.
I just couldn't wrap my head around why he was such an ass! He was such a complete jerk to me! Why was he suddenly acting like this? Did he always act like this? If he did why was he still in the band?
My head hurt from the thoughts.
When the bell after 5th period rings, I'm glad to get out of the suffocating air of that classroom. Not only was it math, but the shock was still flowing through my body.
I pushed the thoughts away as I walked into the cafeteria and to the middle table.
"Hey Kath, you okay?" Claire asks, sympathetic written all over her face.
I nodded my head and smiled my most genuine smile.
"Oh whatever. I know your not okay. Luke is an ass. Proves my point even more. Singers are bad news- I just never thought you would actually meet one." Claire bites her lip.
I laugh.
"It's okay. I'll get over it. It's not like he was ever my boyfriend." I shrug.
Claire nods.
"But hey, your house after school?" She asks and I nod.
"Of course! It's Monday." I smile remembering our weekly tradition to make Mondays less stupid.
I was walking back to the table after getting my lunch,when I heard a whistle come from the table behind me.
I whipped my head and saw Luke and his friends smirking at me.
"Look, I know my best friends hot and all, but if you could stop mentally undressing her, that would be great." Claire says and rolls her eyes.
Luke bites his lip and looks Claire up and down.
That lip bite drives me insane.
'Stop it Katherine!' I tell myself.
"Same goes for her, creep." I snap and continue walking back to our lunch table.
The rest of the day consists of the same thoughts reeling in my head.
He's making me more crazy then I already was.
Now I was sitting on my bed painting my nails a red to go with the christmas season.
"Just ignore him." Claire says rolling her eyes.
"Yeah THAT will work. I've been obsessed with him for 3 years!" I say and blow on my nails.
"I know. But now that you know he's an ass, maybe it will be easier to forget about it. About him." She says and I shrug.
"I'll get back to you on that." I say and roll my eyes.
"Come on Kath! Your a bitch! Intimidate him!" Claire says.
"What do you mean?" I arch an eyebrow.
"Your hot! Show it off. Dress super cute tomorrow, flirt with him a little bit, show him your not one to mess with." She smirks.
I mean..flirting with Luke Hemmings does sound appealing.
"Fine." I say.
"Great! And, when you win prom queen he will be even more jealous!" She says.
"I told you Claire, I don't want to be prom queen without a date. Or at all for that matter." I sigh and sit on the bed next to her.
She rolls her eyes.
"Kath, did you not hear me? You may not be "popular" but if somebody says your name, they instantly know who that person is talking about! You have everything you need to win!" She screeches.
"I love you Claire." I smile and pull her into a hug.
"I know! I love you too." She laughs.
Operation 'Make Luke jealous' was in full swing. I had gotten up earlier to curl my hair lazily so it looked effortless. That's what I wanted right? Effortless beauty.
That's what Claire says anyways.
I put on a light color of eye shadow, mascara, and eye liner. I applied the clear gloss to my lips and stepped back examining my final look.
"Good. Signature scent? You need one. Every girl does." Claire says from inside my phone.
"Hmm.. I have the 'Mad About You' perfume." I said.
"Perfect! Bring it with you. You want that scent to trail past you so he immediately looks for where it's coming from." Claire says and I can imagine the smirk on her face.
"Did you make the prom flyers?" I asked her.
"Yup! Prepare to be jealous Hemmings." Claire says.
I laugh.
"I'll see you at school." I said and hang up the phone.
I take a deep breath and step out of the car. I look at my black V-neck T-shirt with the blue green and white flannel tied around my waist with skinny jeans and converse.
I walked into the school building to meet up with Claire.
"Looking good!" She says.
That's when I notice her appearance.
The band T-shirt hugs her body and her skinny jeans show off her long legs. And her combat boots make her taller. Her normally wavy hair and perfectly straight.
"Claire. Is there something your not telling me?" I ask.
"Fine. Ashton's really really cute!" She says and I laugh.
"And he's just like Luke, so my plan works both ways!" She smirks.
"Maybe you should be prom queen Claire, you deserve it." I say.
"No no. I really don't want it. If I make volleyball captain I'll be happy." She smiles.
"Crap! I totally forgot!" I gasp.
"It's okay, your good at it. Another great thing to add to the list." She smiles.
"Yeah, you can totally get Ashton your head cheerleader!" I screech and she laughs.
Her confidence rubs off on me as we walk down the hall.
Me already being friends with Claire draws eyes, but I feel like I look like I shaved my hair off.
Claire waves at me and walks towards her locker.
I smile and walk towards mine, carrying her confidence as best as possible.
Lukes leaning up against his looking at me, while biting his lip.
"Hey Luke." I smile.
"Hey." He smirks.
"So, I'm having just a tiny issue. And I need your help." I say stepping up to him and placing my manicured hand on his shoulder.
"W-what." He says, his voice shaky.
"I need you to give these to people for me. Or just let people see you with it." I say handing him a prom flyer.
"I-okay. W-why." He asks looking up into my eyes.
"Because, your pretty popular and I need all the votes for prom queen I can get. You can do that for me, right Luke?" I ask and smile innocently.
"Y-yeah t-totally."
I laugh slightly at this effect I have on him.
"Thanks! Your great!" I smile and step away.
"Well, I have to go to first period, but let me know how everything with the flyer goes." I smile slightly at him.
After flipping hair over my shoulder I walk past him and turn my head and wave as I watch Ashton walk up to him.
"Nice job." Claire smirks meeting me by my side.
"I'm gonna go with that look on Ashton's face and say you as well." I smirk.
"Well.." She flips her hair over her shoulder and I laugh.
Lukes POV:
I don't know what came over me.
But with Katherine standing so close to me, her minty breath hitting my nose, along with her perfume that smelled so amazing, I lost control.
How am I supposed to be this bad tough guy when she has this effect on me?
I can't.
I'll freeze and she will have me wrapped around her finger in no time.
She already does.
I couldn't help but stare as she laughed and walked down the hallway in confidence with her friend.
I could tell Ashton had the same thing happen by the starstruck look on his face.
"Dude. Claire Prior is so
hot. Oh my god." He breaths walking up to me.
"Have you looked at Katherine Rose? That girl.." I trail off.
"We've been here a day man." Ashton laughs and I nod.
Who are those girls?
That's chapter 2! I'll have a pic of Claire on the side. Hope you guys liked it.
I like stuttery Luke.

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