Chapter 2

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I wake up to hear beeps going off and bright lights in my face. Where the hell am I. I try to open my eyes but the light is so blinding. "Did Jesus walk into the room or something damn it's fucking bright" I yell out I hear some laughter I find my pillow and throw it to the left of me where I heard the noises. "please turn Jesus off so I can see who you people are" I ask the random people. It goes dark I open my eyes and make out 3 figures. It also looks like I'm in a hospital room. why am i... now I remember everything. "What are your guys names" I say shyly "my name is Juliet my fiancés name is Andrew but he prefers Andy and next to Andy is his band mate Christian who goes by CC" the female Juliet. Now I know they are fucking with me there is no way black veil brides and Juliet are in this disgusting hospital with me. "please don't lie to me, there is no way they would be In a hospital with me. please just tell me your names. "honey we just did, were not lying to you" says Andy. holy mother shit it's them "oh well I'm sorry I just didn't think you guys would be here." "Doll we aren't gonna leave you on the side of the road with your condition and we wouldn't leave you here in this hospital by yourself, the other guys ran to Taco Bell to get some food because the hospital food is nasty so they Should be back shortly" says CC. Oh okay, I'm awake now so if you guys want to leave you can I wouldn't blame you" I say kinda sadly thinking they would take the offer. I feel a small figure next to me holding me softly. "We are not going to leave you here" Juliet says softly "we actually just finished tour" Andy says. that's right they had their last show a hour away from me. I hear laughter and guys down the hall. must be the rest of the boys. "Andy jake messed my hair up" says Ashley jinxx sighs and sets the food down. "jake come on bend over you need a spanking now" Andy says. jke shockingly bends over Andy's lap as Andy spanks him softly, I can't help but burst out laughing "ahh so sleeping beauty has awoken" says Ashley. they all introduced themselves. my stomache started making its mating calls. the guys laugh and gave me 3 soft tacos with mild sauce I ate all of them in under 2 minutes. "I know what you guys are thinking, yes I'm tiny but I love food a lot" I tell them. after a couple hours the doctor comes in and tells me that I'm okay to leave and to take care. I thank him and sign myself out. "So now your out of that place me and Julie were wondering if you'd like to come stay with us. if it's okay with you we also got adoption papers so that way your dad can't take you back" Andy says. I can't help but the burst in tears I hug them tightly and nod. "of course that would mean so much to me you guys" juliet rubs my back softly and we get in the van. we all have a monster to celebrate. I tell Juliet I'm feeling kinda tired and CC said I could sleep in his bunk. I nodded "I know it's weird but I either need someone to cuddle with or my stuffed animal to sleep" I tell them shyly. CC takes off his shirt and picks me up "goodnight guys" says CC as he lays me in the bunk and holds me "thank you Christian" I say to him "not a problem I love cuddles and won't give up the opportunity to snuggle especially with a girl as beautiful as you" he responds. I blush and fall asleep shortly after. Maybe I can have some good in my life I think to myself.

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