The News

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She said to me "Okay, this is serious news." She looked at my mom and dad with a nervous look and turmed back to me. She said slowly, "Me and you... Are... Long lost... Twins..." When i found out, I was shocked. I couldn't believe what was happening. My mom said "We kept it from you until you were old enough to understand." I replied with "Understand what? How could you keep this from me? Whyy couldn't you have told me when i was 15 at the most? I'm 21! (I was at the time) You kept so much from me, and now this! When I was 8, you told me my pet bunny ran away. But actually what happened, was that the dog ate it. You kept that from me and the way i found out was by you two talking about it, so you weren't even gonna tell me anyways." After that i ran off into my room, too upset to be out therr. I stayed in there for awhile and then when they thought i was calmed down, they knocked on my door, including Ari.

Ariana Grande's long lost twinWhere stories live. Discover now