A Mini Van?

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'That mini van that you drive really gets me goin'

Lucy Colt's POV

  I woke up at 6:42am even though my alarm was set for 6:45am. I stretched in bed a little, then got up. I rubbed my eyes and opened my closet. I went through some shirts until I stopped at my white shirt that had black sleeves that stop at my elbow. On the front it said 'I want to be the very best' and on the back it says 'gotta catch em all'. It was my absolute favorite shirt. I took it off the hanger, along with black skinny jeans of course, and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on my curling iron and started taking off my clothes. I quickly put on my jeans then shirt, and grabbed my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and rinsed with mouthwash and started on my hair. I only had to curl a few places since my hair was naturally curly. When I was done, I grabbed my turquoise vans, took two random socks from my drawer, and slipped on my shoes. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was already 7:53am and school started at 8! Of freaking course this would happen on my first day. I grabbed my binder, and backpack, and went downstairs.

"Oh good morning Lucy, I see you're ready for school" Aunt Catherine said while sipping some coffee.

"Yeah I was wondering if I could borrow your car, please?" I asked in the nicest way possible.

She smiled and grabbed a pair of keys "Of course you can sweetie! But take this car, I'm gonna need my Beetle to go to work. Oh, and I'll be back around 6:30"

I took the keys and thanked her. In my head I thanked god I didn't have to take that yellow car. But now I kinda wish I could take the Beetle. I'm front of me was an old Purple Mini Van. It was horrendous!

I groaned and got in the van. I started the car and let it warm up a bit. While waiting I searched the school on google maps, and found my way. I began driving and by 8:03am I was in the school parking lot. I grabbed the keys and fast walked into the school. I held on to my binder for dear life while walking to the office. I slowed my pace and stood behind a guy with red and black hair. Hopefully he was as cool as his hair.

Only one way to find out.


Michael was really sweet. He even offered to take me to my next class! I sighed and turned around after shutting the door. I'm never going to be late to a class again because everyone was looking at me. It was dead quiet too. I awkwardly cleared my throat and began talking.

"H-hi, my name is uhm Lucy and I'm new. So I apologize for my tardiness."
I said to the teacher, hopefully getting rid of the awkwardness. Just as I hoped everyone started whispering and murmuring to each other. But it wasn't that great since they were all talking about me. Thankfully the teacher cut in.

"Alright, alright. Quiet down. Hello Lucy," he said, holding out his hand "I'm Mr.Daniels and I'm going to be your History teacher for the rest of the school year"

I shook his hand and he gestured for me to take a seat. I looked around the room for an empty seats. One seat was in the front corner, but the guy behind it was winking at me. So that's a no. Another one was in the far right side surrounded with girls who just glared and laughed at me. Obviously not sitting there. But then these two guys started coughing and pointing at the seat next to them. I laughed quietly and made my way over. Once I sat down Mr. Daniels continued with his lesson.

I was taking some notes, but was interrupted by a note falling on my journal. I looked to the side and saw the boy looking around whistling nonchalantly. I giggled and unfolded the note.


I read it and laughed a little. I wrote back.

Uhm, yeah. Why is that such a big deal?? XD

I tossed it back to him and waited. Soon enough, the paper landed on my desk again.

We don't have very many Americans here. Especially ones as cute as you ;)

I shook my head and wrote on the paper.

Wow flirting already? So smooth xp

Once the teacher turned his back, I set the note on his desk. Suddenly, a different note landed on my desk from the opposite side. I turned my head and saw the other boy blushing and looking down at his desk. I smiled a little and read the note

I'm sorry is Calum bothering you? I bet he already tried to flirt :-/
I'm Luke by the way :-)

I smiled at the note and wrote back.

Hi Luke, I'm Lucy! But you already know I guess. And yeah Calum has already attempted to flirt xD p.s what's with your smily faces ??

I handed it back to him and opened the other note from Calum.

I know everyone else is gonna try to get you so might as well take my shot now ;) oh I'm Calum Hood btw xx

Already at the 'xx' stage are we ?? And Luke told me who you are. Y'all are gonna get me in trouble. I was barley here 5 minutes and already got two boys passing notes to me

I tossed the paper on Calum's desk, not even paying attention to Mr.Daniels anymore. I grabbed Luke's paper and read it.

Sorry about Calum, he thinks he's some kind of heartthrob. Just wait till you meet our buddy Michael. He loves Americans p.s what are you talking about my smiley faces are the best :-) ;-) :-3

I laughed and wrote back.

Does this happen to be Michael Clifford? Tall guy, cool hair ? P.s your smiley faces are so creepy ! Why do they have noses !?! XD

I handed him the note and the bell rang. Finally, I could not keep up with those notes. I packed up my stuff and stood up. I turned to the boys and spoke.

"I can't believe y'all passed notes the whole time. I was so close to getting in trouble." I said with a laugh. They smiled and Calum responded

"S'not like you were paying attention anyway"

I laughed a little and looked to Luke "At least you didn't flirt with me, thank you Luke"

"He probably did," Calum added "but it was too awkward to tell"

Luke blushed and hit Calum playfully. I rolled my eyes and started making my way to the water fountains like Michael said.

"Anyway," Luke said "Yes I was talking about Michael Clifford. But I'm guessing you've already met him?"

"Already met who?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned around and saw Michael smiling.

Mrs.All American //Michael Clifford AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant