Guide to the Elementals

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Name: Mae Evans 

Pronounced: (May Eve-Ans)

Power: Water (Hydrokinesis) Wind (Aerokinesis)

Age: 19

Nicknames/A.K.A.: Sigma

Occupation: Pizza plaza, Professional Dancer.

Appearance: Raven black hair, Ice blue eyes and fair skin.


Name: Veronica Uchimya

Pronounced: (Verr-oni-ka Oo-chi-meeya.)

Power: Lightning and Speed (Superhuman Speed)

Age: 17

Nicknames/A.K.A: Xeltia

Occupation: Olympian in training

Appearance: Long raven hair, onyx eyes with the pupils crimson red and pale skin


Name: Celeste Huntingdale

Pronounced: (Seh-lest Huntingdale)

Power: Time (Temporal Acceleration), Telepathy (Legilimency), Telekinesis

Age: 21

Nicknames/A.K.A: Venix

Occupation: Detective

Appearance: Medium dark brown wavy hair, Dark brown eyes


Name: Phoebe (Unknown)

Pronounced: ( Fee-bee )

Power: Invisibility and Intangibility

Age: 18

Nicknames/A.K.A: Gardiax

Occupation: Student/Unemployed

Appearance: Dishwasher blonde in low ponytail, blue/purpley eyes, pale skintone.

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