Chapter 20

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The women at the front desk set me up with a new room, for free. It only had one bed & no windows but I was desperate. Besides it was still a nice room & it was all to myself. My parents didn't get into much trouble because I didn't have proof that my dad threw me against the wall & broken my arm, but they were questioned about why I was locked in the room all tied up. I planned to enjoy the rest of this trip & to avoid my parents at all costs. Jack wanted to make up everything that had gone wrong for me so far on this trip by spending the day with me in Barbados. At around 11 am, we got off the boat & went shopping. We didn't buy much but Jack did buy me a necklace with a blue crystal in the shape of a heart on it. It was beautiful, he gave it to me at sunset during dinner. The moment was too good to be true, It definitely took my mind off of the pass few days. Jack took me back to my room & said he had a surprise for me. I unlocked the door & on the bed was roses in the shape of a heart & candles that lite the room. There was a tray on the counter & I walked over to it & there was a giant bowl of popcorn, brownies, & Starbucks for the both of us. "Wanna watch some Netflix?" he asked. I smiled "Yes that would be great."

So this is the last chapter till the final chapter. Far warning, you may hate the ending, just saying. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading my fanfic. I know it wasn't very long but i still hope you enjoyed it!!

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