From Dreams to Nightmares

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I was perched on top of a 20 story sky scraper. My city is small so this is the tallest building in the region and I can see the perimeter from up here.

I close my eyes as I find the special someone who's been crying for help in their dreams.

I find him and fly through houses and apartments before I find my target. I stop at a homely house, and enter through an open window. I look into each room before finding the right one.

As I peer into the dark room I notice it belongs to a young boy around the age of 7.

Quickly and quietly I glide to the edge of his bed. I close my eyes and jump into his mind.

A quick moment of cold runs over me before I get used to being in somebody's dream. It's easier now that I know what will happen.

I open my eyes and see this boy's dream landscape is a school, his school presumably. The school yard has a playground on the lawn. I walk up the granite steps of the building and through the doors.

The inside looks like any school should. It's got lots of rooms that have doors that are decorated with students artwork. The tiles on the floor are blue and white, and the walls are painted a beige color.

Something is different in the atmosphere. It's creepier and a little bit darker.

I hear a scream come from behind me and I quickly duck into a doorway.

There's a distant clunking sound that I haven't noticed before. It gets louder as each second passes.

I look into the hallway and see a shadowy figure at the end. It's huge and doesn't look human at all.

I hear the scream again, along with the running of feet. The screamer comes bounding down the hallway and I notice that it's the boy.

I reach out my hand as he comes nearer, and I yank him in the classroom with me. I quickly cover his mouth so he can't scream and give us away.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I whisper. "It's okay. There's no need to be afraid of me, I can help you." I slowly take my hand off his mouth.

"If you're hear to help me, why are you wearing that scary mask? Don't criminals wear that kind of mask?" He asks, pointing to my ski mask I use as a cover.

"I'm no criminal, this masks keeps my identity a secret." I gesture. "But if you want me to take it off I will, so I don't look scary anymore."

He nods. I reach up and take the ski mask off revealing my light, green eyes and dark, black hair that is pulled back in a ponytail.

"Do I look scary anymore?" I smile

"No, you look pretty." He giggles.

"Thank you." I say. "Now tell me what that big thing out there is and we'll get out of here." I grab his hand and pull him away from the door.

"That's the scary monster that's always watching me." He frowns. "He turns my dreams into nightmares."

"Well, I'm here to turn you're nightmares into dreams." I reply.

"Really?" His face brightens.


I go over to the door and look out the tiny window. The shadowy creature is gone, but I still won't make this little boy leave the safety of the classroom. Then I realize I still don't know his name.

"Hey." I walk back to where I left him. "I whats you're name."

"I'm Brandon." He smiles

"Nice to meet you Brandon." I grab his hand and shake it.

"What's you're name?" Brandon asks.

"That's top secret." I wink.

He pouts, but doesn't say anything.

I take another peek out the window and there's still nothing out there.

"Come on Brandon, the coast is clear." I grab his hand and we tip-toe out the door.

We stand in the middle of the hallway and look around.

Suddenly, there's a bang and I'm knocked off my feet. Brandon screams in fear and I immediately jump up.

Adrenaline rushes through my body.

"Brandon!" I yell. There's no response.

"Brandon!" I shout with more urgency.

There's a faint scream. The monster must have grabbed him when I was down.

My feet leave the floor and I soar down the hall. I follow the sound of the creatures foot prints.

Suddenly I stop. I can change dreams. I close my eyes and think about Brandon. I think about his hand in my hand. Then I feel it. He's here.

"How'd I get here?" He asks in shock.

"Remember, this is a dream." I grin.

In the distance the monster gives a mighty roar, it sends a shiver down my spine.

"Brandon, I'm gonna get you somewhere safe and then I'm gonna go find that monster and destroy him." I look him straight in the eye. He nods.

"Okay." I give him a small smile.

I fly him up to the roof of the school.

"Stay safe." I warn before shooting off in the direction of the evil creature.

It's not long before I see it. He's stampeding towards the playground.

"Hey!" I yell at the beast.

It looks up at me and growls.

I land on the ground with a thud and walk up to the monster.

He grunts in response.

"Oh! You don't speak English?" I mock.

He growls again.

"Why're you bugging Brandon?" I cross my arms.

Still no acceptable answer.

"Why are you here?"

The creature runs towards me with claws retracted and his teeth bared.

"So that's how you wanna play." I smirk. "Well, let's play."

I fly up to the head of the beast and land on his shoulders. I take out my dagger and stab it in the middle of his skull. There's a loud crack followed by a squish.

The creature moans and falls to the ground.

"And that's how you handle a bully." I say to myself.

I close my eyes and imagine the monster disintegrated. I reopen them and it's gone.

"See you later." I smirk and fly off to the roof where I left Brandon.

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