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I saw a butterfly today. It reminded me of you. Remember how we both said that if we die, we have to come back as butterflies? Pink ones to be exact, and yes that's exactly what I saw. I swear it was following me, and when it landed on Keegan's head, I knew you were introducing yourself. But I guess you couldn't speak, so let me introduce you to her instead. I have a daughter now, Nadine. Her name's Keegan. This happened a while ago. Niall and I couldn't be happier with ourselves right now. We've been married for two years now, and honestly my life is perfect.

It's as perfect as it's going to get I mean. If you, Liam and Harry were here, then it would be perfect. Niall and I had Keegan two years after our wedding, and right now we're ready for number two! We've already gotten his name and everything, and he's due in one week. Yeah, I said he. His name is going to be Landon Marcus Horan. Landon and Keegan, what a cute name. Oh, did I mention Keegan's middle name is Nadine? Named after you like a true best friend. I miss you, and when Keegan's old enough, maybe she'll be as stupid as we were. But I have one rule for her. No dating boyband members!

I haven't replaced you. To be honest, my only friend is Eleanor and Perrie. Oh, I forgot to mention Perrie! Perrie is Zayn's new girlfriend. They met two years after your death, but they only started dating three months ago. He doesn't stop talking about you, and he even brought her to your grave to introduce her. So I guess you have met her, but I would feel guilty if I didn't introduce you too. Eleanor and Louis are getting married soon. I'm going to be the maid of honor, and Niall and Zayn get to be the best men. Louis couldn't pick just one lad.

So I am now a kindergarden teacher at Maples Elementry School. Niall is a music teacher for the grade 9's. They love him, and they all know who he is. Fame is sort of over for all the lads except for Zayn. Zayn went solo, and is probably one of the most famous soloists in the UK and USA right now. Everyone told him he had to go solo, no matter how hard he turned it down. Even Simon had to convince him! Louis works at a zoo and he couldn't be happier. The occational fan shows up and takes pictures with him, but he said, and I quote; "As long as i've got Kevin with me, this is the dream job." What a goof, yeah?

Ed is still singing like no tomorrow. He's won three Grammy's and a ton of music awards. There's nothing really to say about him.. he's still really weird, and still thinks his cat can talk... Yup..

Perrie sings in lil' mix. It's a band, and probably my favorite. I go to all the concerts with Eleanor, and we're always sure not to go near any strange vehicles. We don't want to repeat what happened last time, do we? I tell that story a lot, but I change up the names. If anyone asks how I know this story, then I tell them I lived it, but if they don't, I let them think. I actually ended up writing a book, and publishing it. One of the top stories in the world right now, and i've sold over 3 million copies.

Remember how you said when I turn 28, we're going bungy jumping? Well everyone's trying to take me next week for my birthday. I told them no, and I couldn't if I wanted to anyways. Landon would end up with serious brain damage, sort of like Niall already does. He's currently playing with Keegan and she almost went into the fan on the roof three times. I better go and figure that out. Please send me sign's that your here on my birthday. I'd like nothing more than that. So again, I got to go now. I'd rather not have to deal with a headless child. Niall almost killed the kid three times. So love always - Nicole xx


"Niall put Keegan down! You're going to kill her!" I yelled, scooping her into my arms.

"She's fine, you worry wart." Niall scoffed, kissing me sloppily on the cheek.

Keegan crawled out of my arms and began to play with the dog. We got the dog when Keegan was 1, so she could grow up with a best friend. His name is LiLi, and Niall just calls him Liam. He's a German Shephard trained with the Police, and he's just as much as family then everyone else is.

Nothings really changed since the death of Nadine, Harry and Liam five years ago. Everyone went through their depressing moments, but we were able to bring us back up to our happy days. Everyone's really realized who they are and what they want to do with their lives, and I think that it's amazing. Death really changes people. It lets us realize that every day is a gift and not a given right. As Nickleback says, "Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind, and try to take the path less travelled by. That first step you take is the longest stride, if today was your last day."


Hey y'all! Thanks for reading my FanFiction! I'm sorry it has to come to an end, but hello what is life without One Direction? Exactly, nothing. So this is the end, i'm soo very sorry. My other stories shall be longer, I hope. Please read my current story, Country Music Jesus, another FanFic of One Direction. Teh Language is a tad hard to understand considering it's how I usually speak. So thanks for reading, Vote Comment Share become my Fan! If you have stories you'd like me to read, i'd love to! Thanks for being so amazing to me :) LOVE Y'ALL <3

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