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2 Years Later

"Babe, will you hurry up and go!" I said about to be in labor.

"We're almost there, just hold on." Cameron said.

I started screaming in pain.

We arrived at the hospital.

Cameron rushed me into the hospital.

Nurses hurried and took me to a room.

I was in pain and ready to give birth.

30 Minutes Later

"What should we name him?" I asked Cameron.

"Nicholas Alexander Dallas." Cameron replied with a smile looking at Nicholas.

"I like it." I said.

Cameron leaned in and I kissed him.

We asked the doctor to take a picture of me holding the baby and Cameron kissing my temple.

"I'm so glad you never stopped loving me. We would've never had a handsome son." Cameron said with a smirk.

I kissed him one more time and looked down at Nicholas who was smiling in his sleep.

"I'm so glad too." I mumbled under my breath with a smile afterwards.


The end. I hope you enjoyed this short story. I know I enjoyed writing it. Please vote, comment and maybe follow meh? 🌹💖 thanks, I love you guys.

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