Only Room for One

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 *So, I was reading through Styx: The River of Hate by rotXinXpieces, and I thought to myself, "Hmm...I wonder what Theo must be thinking..." And so I put myself in the mind of Theo, an admittedly kind of fun place to be, and wrote my rendition of what was going on with Theo through the events in the aforementioned book. SPOILERS AHEAD! DO NOT READ IF YOU HATE SPOILERS! Anywho, carry on. I in no way own any of these characters. They belong to rotXinXpieces and this is JUST a fanfic rendition of what I PERSONALLY think happened. Thank you. :)*

So, obviously the trip to Tartarus hadn't been the best idea the sons of Hades had come up with. Sue them.

No, really. Sue them. They got their wealth from Hades, the God of the Underworld and Wealth. While he didn't mind his money being spent (See: he tolerated it to get his seven ADHD kids off his godly back), nothing pissed Hades off more than his sons doing another stupid thing for the media to ride up his godly ass about, and gods knew Theo loved pissing Hades off.

Although, technically, the idea had been Adrian's, the demigod son of a Titan of all things, and not just any Titan; Adrian just so happened to be the son of Philotes. Suing the little demigod was a surefire way to piss Malachi off, as he was stupidly overly fond of the little demigod. That was also a very good idea. Pissing off Malachi was almost as fun as pissing off Hades.

Theo should have known the situation was off when he started hearing that damn sound. In all his years, and he a lot of years on him, not that he was old or anything because hello, immortal Guardian of Styx, he had never heard anything like it. It wasn't a voice, per say, or maybe it was. Fuck if he knows. All Theo knows is that he heard something that made him uneasy. Not a lot of things made him uneasy, so there was something to say about that damned noise. He's Theo. He doesn't get intimidated or uncomfortable or anything like that because, again, Guardian of Styx here!

Theo does, however, feel slight unease when he's down in Tartarus, surrounded by all his fucked up, psychotic relatives who are plotting their escape right under their noses. Just slightly though, because he's Theo, and Theo ain't no sissy.

And then that Titan of Stupidity and No-Thought touched him. Maybe he'd wanted to cause pain, or maybe he'd been planning to squash his goddamn soul into Theo's own body. Predictibly, it was the latter rather than the former.

And oh, was Theo oh so very thrilled to share his body with a Titan. A titan! And the stupid one no less!

The surprises continued when he tried to open his mouth to warn his idiot brothers of the situation, and his lips hadn't moved.

Or rather, they had, but it was the damned pig that moved them. Epimetheus smiled through his mouth, an idea of victory already in his head.

His soul was heavy too, smothering Theo uncomfortably in his body, trembling with rage when his lips continued to move, this time speaking to Sept.

"Just fine." Epimetheus said through Theo's mouth, easily suppressing Theo.

And just like that, Theo was screwed.


Theo had every reason to be pissed off. His body wasn't his to control, no matter how much he fought to gain some form of control back, but couldn't. Sept didn't know the difference, and he didn't care even if he did notice that Theo's body was all Epimetheus.

They're all idiots, aren't they? Epimetheus mused to Theo, I mean really. Your little dog isn't even smart enough to recognize his master.

Grudgingly, Theo had to agree with Epimetheus. Not that he would ever say it out loud, but really, how even Sept didn't notice really didn't do wonders for his measure of intelligence. For Christs' sake, there were signs everywhere!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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