Chapter 2(Jerri)

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Jerri P.O.V

My name is Jerri Connelly  im a senior at John Sawyer High it is my one and only goal to graduate and 

leave where i am i dont get along with my parents very well my step dad hates me because my real 

father left his will of 250,000 Dollars with me to make something out of myself he died when i was 8

 ever since then my mom always tends to look at me like im a disgrace to her i try not to make eye 

 contact with her because if i do she always asumes i want something from her my two younger twin 

brother and sister Gwen and Jared are the reason why im still in school im gonna do my best so i can

  leave home and when im old enough im gonna take them with me i dont want them growing up with

 my mother and her husband  i feel like im suppose to be the one who saves them their only 6 years 

old i cant have them growing up the way i did  i wont allow it I work at a taco bell on after school and 

on weekends it was a good idea on my part to make a little money to support my siblings and my own

 needs besides i can't get the money intill my 18th birthday and im only 17 so till then im taking 

 orders from the ids who look down on people like me what ever im used to it now.

Hello welcome to Taco Bell i will take your order when your ready"

Uhh yes can i have 2 boxes of the 12 taco's"

Ok will tha..

Hold on im not finished i would also like 4 Large Drinks 

Alright would you like your taco's....

wait wait wait cand i those taco's 12 hard 12 soft ok now im done

(I looked at her through the top of my glasses wanting to hit her)

Are you sure"

Uhh yeah,how much is that gonna be"


(when she handed me her credit card i felt kinda dumb for not having one it must be something everybody has.)

As i was filling her drinks she yelled from across the counter

Hey Girl put all those cups in sperate cup holders!!!!"

I looked at my boss with a wtf look he told me to just do it wow i guess today's generation cares nothing about how hard people have to work to satisfy someone

Sure all seperate cup holders"

when i gave her all her food she asked if i could carry it to her car really you wanted it and you just cant help yourself come one uhhh

Alright "

My co-worker Victor helped me carry the food out he is the only good thing that makes me wanna come to work with a smile

While we were taking the food to the car i saw some guy with brown hair sitting in the front seat on his

 phone i noticed that he looked familiar he was the guy that came in 2 weeks ago into Taco Bell with 

wet pants i think he goes to my school when he looked up from his phone for a split second he looked

 at me then he did a double take he smiled and said thank you i was to nervous to smile back i justsaid your welcome"

I have never felt so strange towards a person the last person i had feelings for was bisexual and dislike

 brunettes it hmph its nothing just a stare my friend Victor gave me a weird look when we were walking away form the car.

What was that "

Us handing them their food"

Oh Ok"

when it hit Nightime i clocked out and headed towards the bus stop it sucks i dont like taking the bus 

at nightime because it is dangerous one time a man was shot at the bench waiting for a bus i dont 

really worry about my self anymore does it make sense that what i do some people dont care i could 

be gone for days and the only people who would really notice would be my co-workers and my 

siblings but other than that im a ghost that needs to give you chills to be noticed i sent an application 

to NYU i havent heard back from them they said only selective people get on the waiting list to get 

addmitted i know my qualifications and where i came from don't exactly pick me im perfect but i am

 hard working and i do wanna graduate top of my class i dont what people say or think about me i am

 gonna do what i have to to change what wrong with my life and not a person is gonna hold me back.

When i got back home i had to knock on the Apartment door because my step dad thinks it's a was a

 wastes of his money i find it funny how everything comes out of his wallet we live in a Two bedroom

 old apartment on the opposit side of town i have to catch a bus at 4:00am just to make it to school on

 time why do i even put up with him?for my mother  yeah what ever i hate it when he answer's the

door i feel like im suffering when i walk in huh nut hopefully it will get better tommorrow.

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