Robot | Ending

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I hurry into her house, seeing as how nobody else was home, the main floor was completely black. I feel around for a light switch. I finally find one and flick it on. I quickly make my way to the staircase and rush up it. Cassandra? I ask. I hear her groan at the use of her name and I hurry into that room. There she is, lying on the floor with a blanket wrapped over her. I crouch beside her. Sorry for using your name, but I knew you would respond, I say. She just shakes her head. C-can you just help me up? she says. I nod and try to remove the blanket so I can help, and she smacks my hand. N-no...I need the blanket, she fumbles quickly. I give a confused look and pick her up. I feel something cold against my arm but ignore it as I lay her back down. Thanks... she says with a blush. I shake my head and ask Why couldn't you get up yourself? She bites down on her lip and removes the blanket from legs. There, I see a metal prosthetic leg where her knee ends. I-I was trying to take it off to sleep, but I tripped over something and fell and- by now she's broken off into tears. I sit beside her and wrap and arm around her. Hey, it's fine I reassure. She shakes her head. Nobody was supposed to know why my name is Robot. Now you do and- everything is ruined! I lied and ypu probably hate me now- I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers. Even I don't know if it meant anything. Though, it shuts her up. It's okay, I don't hate you.. I start, but I'm glad I never called you that now.

And what I get in return is a smile.


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